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Still thinking that flying up to the sky is the exclusive property of an airplane or a rocket? You"re just a fovea. Now the drive is no longer confined to dreams! According to Geely official, the Terrafugia flying automobile company under the Geely Holdings Group is expected to start the first generation of product Transition in October this year, and will be released next year, which is mainly aimed at the US market. It is understood that the highest flying speed of the vehicle is 161 km/h, the maximum flying altitude is 3048 m, can achieve air range 640 km, about 19 L fuel consumption per hour.


The Transition is a small flying car, two-seat design, with a pair of foldable wings, folded like an ordinary car on the road.


In addition, the car will also be equipped with a safety air bag, Pretight seat belt, collision collapse area and a series of safety configuration, as well as emergency time for vehicle safety landing parachute.


What"s the reason for this Terrafugia flying car company?


Founded in 2006, Terrafugia was founded by 5 Massachusetts Institute of Technology graduates. The company"s product, Transition, is the world"s first operational, practical flying car, capable of running on the ground, and flying to the sky, driven by gasoline, wings folding, and direct parking. In November last year, Zhejiang Geely control group limited reached a final agreement, the acquisition of all Terrafugia company"s business and assets, so the brand to the flag.



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