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Giannis on instangram "Just wanted to try something a little different...first boxing lesson"



[–]BucksAthalos124 339 指標 9小時前

Mike Dunleavy, we coming for you




[–]HornetsIamOlderthanMe 206 指標 9小時前

The reach on this big fella.


[–]Bucksassmanbutiliketits 78 指標 9小時前

That trainer is probably a normal sized human being. Giannis is getting huge


[–][LAL] Magic JohnsonPVT_Stanley 137 指標 9小時前

Giannis has to stop this... now I somehow want him to become the heavyweight boxing champion! I have more goals for him then myself!! ??


[–][OKC] Russell Westbrookrandomindiandouche 16 指標 9小時前

Imagine this 6"11 guy coming at you


[–]Sunsimwilin 19 指標 6小時前

just lay down


[–]Vancouver Grizzliestraumakit 20 指標 5小時前

good advice steph


[–][TOR] Vince CarterWalterDwight 958 指標 9小時前

In the words of Joe Rogan "Motherfuckers are lucky theres more money in basketball than fighting"

借Joe Rogan一句話:「狗日的們應該慶幸NBA比格鬥有錢賺。」


[譯註1]Joe Rogan是著名的UFC解說員、評論家。他也是美國單口相聲演員、著名播客欄目(Joe Rogan Podcast)的主持人。在推特上有將近400萬粉絲。此前他曾表示:「想想吧,這麼一個狠人,要是他當初選擇了搏擊的話,所有人都完蛋操了(everyone would be fucked) ,他們應該慶幸打籃球錢多。對於那些說什麼」哎呀打籃球好不代表搏擊也會很出色啊"的人,我勸你們別扯淡了,詹姆斯能打爆你們(beat your fucking ass)」

著名UFC解說員Joe Rogan:自由搏擊運動員應該慶幸詹姆斯當初選了籃球>>

[–][UTA] Donovan Mitchellshavegilette 272 指標 7小時前

Didn』t he also say 「Bet he』s got a dick like a palm tree」



[–]JazzTha_crack_fox 108 指標 7小時前

Look into it



[–]Warriorslooking4abook 140 指標 6小時前

Jamie - bring that up



[–]Hawksmufflefuffle 55 指標 6小時前

Jesus Christ, look at the size of that Freak. He』ll tear your fucking face off.



[譯註2]均為Joe Rogan(在自己播客節目)的口頭禪。譯者強烈推薦這個播客,美國最受歡迎的播客節目之一。

[–]dinkleberrysurprise 58 指標 6小時前*

The Rogan take was also my first thought when I saw this. Giannis, after this one training session, could probably end the lives of some regular dudes who』ve been training for years.

當我看了字母哥這個視頻後,我的第一想法和Joe Rogan的觀點一樣。練這一次,字母哥就已經有可能擊敗那些練了好幾年的普通人了。

Now I』m wondering who, besides Lebron, would be the most dangerous fighter. Assuming they trained their whole lives for fighting and are still in their physical primes.


Ibaka or Adams maybe? Or would they be too tall to the point it』s a disadvantage?

A guy like Bamba with stupid reach? You could probably never close on him.

A super light, long wing with absurd quickness like Tatum? I』m imagining him with a ton of Muay Thai type training, just a flurry of nasty strikes.




Maybe a shorter, big frame guy like Wade? He has insane reach for his height on top of his strength.

At least in terms of pure intimidation, I』d probably rather shoot myself than square up with Adams or Ibaka.



Any solid hit from those dudes is gonna break bone IMO. A clean punch or kick to the face would definitely break my jaw and leave me badly concussed, best case. Probably even a decent chance of a skull fracture or life-threatening brain injury.

Edit: Westbrook and rookie Shaq are my favorite answers so far.



[–]Bullsnevergotgold 44 指標 6小時前

Once you get to the peak of boxing, reach and height aren"t such massive advantages. They definitely help, but Tyson didn"t have the longest reach or the tallest guy. At his peak he was so fast and had so much power behind his punches that all those advantages that other boxers had went out the window.


Right now the heavyweight division is weak, so you have guys like Fury who steam roll through the competition even though he is a poor technical fighter. It"s hard to judge who would be the best out of the NBA because you don"t know who really has the instinct or discipline to become a technically great fighter.


[–]WildYams 33 指標 9小時前

Isn"t Floyd Mayweather far more highly paid than any NBA athlete though?


[–]Wizardskravisha 339 指標 9小時前

Sure but how much are the next 10-15 guys paid? How about the next 50?


[–]KillinTheBusiness 84 指標 7小時前

Right? Like on the card with him and McGregor iirc there was a boxer on there making 5 grand for his fight compared to the like 200 mill of the main event. Shits lucrative for the very top of the top fighters but no one else.


[–]Mtgo_oyola 41 指標 7小時前*

Floyd is his own promoter. Promoters take a huge cut in a fight. Boxing also has a lot of politics and not many real boxing fans. Boxing revenue is driven by the casual fan i.e McGregor vs Mayweather. Guys from my gym and some guys I box have not been given title fights because they aren"t recognized by the masses except boxing nuts.


One guy i know derevyachenko has been a mandatory fight for GGG but because the fight won"t produce revenue. GGG instead is fighting Canelo for 10 million I believe; the negotiations with derevyachenko I believe I heard would only be a couple million. Imagine the warriors refused to play the Bucks in the finals because the game wouldn"t produce the revenue and instead played the lakers. That happens all the time in boxing.


When you are up and coming, you fight for a few thousand and if you lose a bout there goes your career. Mayweather made being undefeated fashionable and if you lose a match early on in your career you have to start from square one.


Boxing is also about self promotion. Idiot boxers can get paid 6 figures for fights even though they just started because they have a good promoter and have an IG following, but fighters who fought 300+ amateur bouts with a great record and went to Olympics could be overlooked because you are from the overseas.


I know and train with European born boxers based in Brooklyn and trust me it isn"t a lavish life despite being some of the top fighters in the world. Imagine demar DeRozan getting paid 500K. That is what happens in the fighting world fighters who are tier 2 living off 30 to 80K but dealing with all the abuse of fighting.


A UFC fighter who recently left back in December told me how they don"t help the guys post retirement. He quit before getting seriously hurt and got a job in the city so he can have pension when he is old, not be old, broke, and brain damaged.




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