首頁 > 知識 > 破解鳥兒的肌肉電訊號,也許就能知道它們睡夢中哼了什麼



翻譯 嚴冰冰

審校 譚坤


在 AIP Publishing 出版的Chaos期刊上,一支國際團隊發表了一篇關於斑胸草雀(zebra finch,Taeniopy giaguttata)如何發聲歌唱的研究。鳥類的腹鳴肌(syringealis ventralis, vS)是參與發聲的主要肌肉之一,研究者通過記錄肌電信號,對這塊肌肉的活動情況進行了追蹤,接著,根據記錄到的電信號數據創造出了一首人工合成的斑胸草雀鳴叫曲。



該研究團隊成員、阿根廷布宜諾斯艾利斯大學(University of BuenosAires)在讀博士生 Juan D?ppler 表示,「這塊肌肉的活動給我們提供了門控(gating)的信息,即確定發聲的開始和結束的信息。有趣的是,當斑胸草雀在睡覺時,儘管缺少發聲必須的氣流條件,這塊肌肉仍然處於活躍狀態,並展示出與鳴叫過程中相似的電信號。


利用肌電信號數據,研究團隊以高於70%的正確率成功地識別出發聲間隔(phonating intervals)。該團隊建立起一套能夠預測發聲間隔的評判標準,成功地運用在搜集到的5隻斑胸草雀的發聲數據上。這套評判標準尤其適用於短促、簡單的音節,發出這樣的音節時腹鳴肌幾乎是靜止的。當面對更加複雜的音節時,引入其他涉及發聲開始與停止的鳴管肌肉(syringeal muscles)的活動會顯然地提高門控預測的準確率。


D?ppler 表示,「那麼接下來,我們希望能夠利用這一工具識別出鳥兒什麼時候會夢到唱歌,並且真正地聽一聽它們在睡眠中唱著什麼歌。」


【論文題目】Gating related activity in asyringeal muscle allows the reconstruction of zebra finches songs

【作者】Juan F. D?ppler, Alan Bush, Ana Amador,Franz Goller, and Gabriel B. Mindlin




Birdsong production involves thesimultaneous and precise control of a set of muscles that change theconfiguration and dynamics of the vocal organ. Although it has been reportedthat each one of the different muscles is primarily involved in the control ofone acoustic feature, recent advances have shown that they act synergisticallyto achieve the dynamical state necessary for phonation. In this work, we presenta set of criteria that allow the extraction of gating-related information fromthe electromyographic activity of the syringealis ventralis muscle, a musclethat has been shown to be involved in frequency modulation. Using dynamicalmodels of the muscle and syringeal dynamics, we obtain a full reconstruction ofthe zebra finch song using only the activity of this muscle.

Complex behaviors require a precise andcoordinated control of a set of muscles. One example is the production of soundin oscine birds, a biological model that has been used to study several issues,such as neural coding, learning, and motor control. In this work, we show thatit is possible to extract information about the phonation intervals from theactivity of a muscle that has been shown to be involved in frequencymodulation. This allows us to create synthetic songs using only the activity ofthis one muscle. Even more, since it has been recently reported that thismuscle shows spontaneous activation during sleep, the tools presented herewould allow us to traduce this activity into sound, and 「listen」 to the bird』sdreams.



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