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Is China the oldest living civilization?



Robbie Jena,



India was there 13,000 years ago at Dwaraka…with Lord Krishna Civilization and Space Ship…


So, perhaps bot are from that time format….


Partha Shakkottai,

The Indus Valley civilization is continuous with the Saraswati civilization of Vedas.

India is the nation ( civilization) that is the oldest. It started in India after Mt. Toba exploded in Java wiping the slate clean in India and allowed a civilizational restart about 40,000 BP, allowing development of animals, languages (Sanskrit, Indo-European , Dravidian and Munda ), early earth goddess religion ( BHUDEVI, CYBELE, GAIA), agriculture, expanded into north Asia and to Europe, built ancient markers Shaktipeetas within which Dharma held sway, spread to SE Asia by osmosis.

Harappa , the Indus civilization is 6000 BP, Saraswathi civilization is older from internal references in Rg Veda. Indians have been observing the stars for at least 6000 years to know the period of Earth』s wobble ( 25000 years).

India did not start as a nation on Aug 15 , 1947!





Piet Bakx,

Depends what one calls civilisation. The Australian aboriginal civilization is much older and still in existence.



KC Armstrong,

Only in the minds of some people. It is much younger than Messopotamia.


Christine Stokes,

No, as it wasn』t the only civilisation.

The peoples of the earth were moving out from Mesopotamia, settling and multiplying, including the ancestors of the Chinese civilisation.



Adam Richards, lives in China (2011-present)

The People』s Republic of China is the same age as my Dad, two months older to be precise. Dad』s no spring chicken, but it would be a bit of a stretch to try to call him or his 同歲 the PRC 「the oldest in the world.」


Fazal Majid

Iranian civilization is almost as old as Mesopotamians, unlike them has cultural continuity, and is at least as old as China.


Ludwig Nijholt,

How is China the world"s oldest civilization?

I don』t understand the how in that question, because Chinese civilization is at least 1,000 years younger than ancient Egypt.



Gwydion Madawc Williams,

It is the oldest urban civilisation with undisputed continuity as far as the Shang Dynasty.

The Xia are disputed.

Some Hindus claim continuity from the Indus Valley Civilisation. But most Western experts think there was a short break, including a change of language




Roy Camargo

It depends on what what concept of civilization you are using. For example, one can conider China as one continuous cvilization but can also think of China as 3 successive civilizations (Arnold Toynbee divides up Chinese history into the Hsia-Shang, Classical Sinic, and Buddho-Sinic civilizations). I happen to follow Toynbee"s conception of a civilization, and So I consider the longest-lasting civilization ever to be Ancient Egypt (Around 3,500BC to around 500AD).

The oldest living civilization is Buddho-Sinic (originated around 300AD after the fall of the Han Dynasty) followed by Western and Orthodox Christendom (both originated around 600AD). The youngest civilization is Islamic, which started when the Abbasid Caliphate (which was the universal state of the preceding Syriac civilization) collapsed.



Sunil Nair,

Its San Marino

San Marino is one of the smallest countries in Europe: with 61 square kilometers it ranks third after the Vatican and Monaco. This means that it is about one third the size of Washington, D.C. San Marino claims to be the world』s oldest republic. It was founded by a Christian stonemason named Marinus on September 3, 301.

San Marino adopted a written constitution in 1600 (usually credited as being the world』s oldest written constitution), but it wasn』t recognized as an independent sovereign country by the Pope until 1631.




Joseph Koppenhout,

Only a handful of civilisations existed before China. These were the societies of Mesopotamia, Egypt and the Indus river valley.

The first two of these have a huge 『break』 in their traditions. Whereas China has maintained a something approaching a constant linguistic chain, and a religious/ political-cultural (Confucianism) since 500 BC both of these societies have undergone profound shifts since their original foundation. Though the Pyramids are Egypts, the current Islamic civilisation is totally different to the ancient one; even more so than the tenuous link between the Athenian citizen and the American.

The final civilisation, that of the Indus river valley, totally collapsed. Unlike Egypt or Mesopotamia where at least a handful of their concepts and social views eventually made it into their present cultures, the Indus valley society had very little cultural impact on present day Indians.

So, by default, the winner is China .





Ygor Coelho,

One of the oldest, certainly, however it is not without any doubt that it is the oldest of all. The earliest scientifically posited period for a unified urban culture that can be aptly described Chinese civilization is circa 1600 BC.

That』s a bit later than the earliest scientific evidences of a common Greek civilization, though it went through tremendous changes in politics, aesthetics and other aspects after the Bronze Age Collapse, just like China suffered several times in its long history. But the people still kept the same language, religion, basic customs and ethnic identity, so I guess they still count as the same continuous civilization.

Also, if, as many scholars believe is quite likely, the language and culture of the Indus Valley civilization was Dravidian before the arrival and expansion of Indo-Aryans, then a case could be made that Dravidian peoples of India, despite their gradual geographic displacement to the south of their homeland, have a 5,000-year-old continuous history as an urban civilization in the subcontinent .

But you may ask: are they still the same civilization or not? Difficult to say, or rather it depends on whom you ask.

There is always a very tenuous difference between cultural continuity without political/tribal continuity, and political/tribal continuity despite many cultural changes.

When is a given civilization still the same as before? When its population is still roughly the same as in ancient times despite a new ethnic/political identity (e.g. Syria, Sardinia)? Or when the language of the ancient society was preserved? Or when there is a continuously thriving or resurging state? Difficult to establish what really matters the most.



此外,正如許多學者認為的,印度 - 雅利安人的到來和擴張之前,印度河流域文明的語言和文化很可能是德拉威語,那麼可以認為,儘管他們遷往祖國南部,但在次大陸,它擁有5000年連續的城市文明。




Rod L"Huillier,

China is one of the oldest, and one of the most advanced, and perhaps the civilization that has had the most cultural influence on the world at large, over time.

But it is not THE oldest. The oldest are the Indigenous Australians

Studies have been ongoing into dating rock art throughout Queensland and the Northern Territory were some artwork has been dated to 14,000 to 28,000 years old. They expect to reveal that the oldest artworks known to man are those left by the Aboriginal people of Australia.

I find the one below fascinating, and for those who really like to spin the wheel of 「what if」 it was also featured in an episodes of Ancient Aliens Watch The Wisdom Keepers Full Episode - Ancient Aliens | HISTORY

The culture and standing of Indigenous Australians has for too long been poorly represented on the world stage. Their culture and way of life are truly fascinating, deeply insightful, especially in regards to how to live together in harmony with the earth and nature.

Their ancient fables, equally as fascinating as Chinese or Greek fables, even more so considering the fact that these fables were passed down through art, story, and dance as they were never recorded into written language.

When I was very young I had the chance to stay with a tribe in the Northern Territory, and to visit there again in my 20』s, and I hope I can learn more again.

Rod L"Huillier




我發現下面這個真令人著迷,對於那些真正喜歡玩弄 「如果」的人來說,它也出現在『古代外星人觀察智慧守護者』的其中一段 - 古代外星人|歷史



他們古老的寓言,與中國或希臘寓言一樣迷人, 可能更令人驚奇,因為這些寓言是通過藝術,故事和舞蹈傳遞下去,從未被記載。




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