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耶魯大學經濟學教授Aleh Tsyvinski和經濟學博士候選人Yukun Liu研究了比特幣(BTC)、Ripple (XRP)和Ethereum (ETH)的歷史價格走勢。BTC數據在2011年到2018年之間進行跟蹤,XRP和ETH的性能分別在2012年和2015年開始分析。這些經濟學家在周一發表的題為《加密貨幣的風險和回報》的報告中描述了他們的發現。





第二個強烈影響加密貨幣的因素是投資者關注的程度,這是加密價格與社交媒體和搜索引擎上加密貨幣的帖子和查詢數量之間的關係。這篇論文解釋說,投資者的高度關注預測了比特幣未來1-2周的高回報,Ripple的1周的高回報,Ethereum的1- 3周和6周的高回報。






Yale University financial experts have outlined a basic strategy for identifying the best buying opportunities for some of the largest cryptocurrencies by market capitalization.

Yale economics professor Aleh Tsyvinski and economics Ph.D. candidate Yukun Liu, have studied the historical price trends of Bitcoin (BTC), Ripple (XRP) and Ethereum (ETH). The BTC data was tracked between 2011 and 2018, while the XRP and ETH performance was analyzed since their inception in 2012 and 2015, respectively. The economists described their findings in a report titled 「Risks and Returns of Cryptocurrency」, published on Monday.

Tsyvinski and Liu say in the paper that cryptocurrencies have 「low exposure」 to traditional asset classes, such as stock, currencies and commodities. The research also calls into question popular explanations that supply factors such as mining costs, price-to-dividend ratio, or realized volatility are useful for predicting the behavior of cryptocurrency returns. Instead, the researchers assert that 「cryptocurrency returns can be predicted by factors which are specific to cryptocurrency markets.」


Momentum effect and investor attention

The economists have identified two factors to predict the crypto assets』 future performance. The first is called the momentum effect, which basically means that when a cryptocurrency increases in value, it will tend to rise even higher. This trend applies to Bitcoin more, but is 「still statistically significant」 for Ethereum and Ripple. To take advantage of momentum effect, the experts suggest an investor should buy Bitcoin if its value increases more than 20% in the previous week.

The second factor strongly influencing cryptocurrency is the measure of investor attention, which is a correlation between crypto prices and the number of posts and queries for cryptocurrencies on social media and in search engines. High investor attention predicts high future returns over 1-2 week horizons for Bitcoin, a 1-week horizon for Ripple, and 1-, 3-, and 6-week horizons for Ethereum, the paper explains.

「Of course, one has to remember that, as with any other assets, past performance is not a guarantee of future returns. Maybe cryptocurrency will completely change its behavior, but currently the market does not think it will,」 Tsyvinski stated in an interview published on Yales』 website.


Every portfolio should include at least 6% Bitcoin

According to the Yale experts, Bitcoin is an essential part of a digital asset investor"s holding. In their view, Bitcoin should normally account for at least 6% of a digital asset portfolio, but that those who are less enthusiastic about it could consider having it comprise 4% but at a minimum 1% for diversification purposes.




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