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醫學課本 Medical Textbooks


I reserved the last few days before I leave to reading books. Other than studying the SAT book, I also dug into some good literature works, as well as medical textbooks which I had just started reading yesterday. I live in a Medical University, so I have easy access to student mecical textbooks. One of them is called 「Basic Diseases and Illnesses」 and the other is named 「Human Parasitology」. I was immediately intrigued by the content. Although they』re both college textbooks, but the concepts are all explained in detail, there are even summaries at the end of each chapter that』s written in English. I realized that if I read the text thoroughly, I could actually understand the concepts quite easily. When I was reading 「Human Parasitology」, I noticed that we』ve done similar experiments in biology class, like the PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction), or learning about the characteristics of the Entamoeba coli. To be able to relate the reading to something I』ve done made me very excited, and made the reading even more enjoyable.



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