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極簡之美 美在邊界之中


The existence of the boundary makes the beauty of design not only lie in the ingenious thinking, but also in the awe of reality and the attitude of seeking breakthroughs within the boundary.

CHIC CASA成立於米蘭,在世界家居設計舞台上,堅定演繹著「在傳承的基礎上創新」的設計哲學,非常注重細節部件功能美學平衡

Founded in Milan, CHIC CASA firmly interprets the design philosophy of "innovation on the basis of inheritance" on the world home design stage, paying great attention to the balance between the function of detailed parts and aesthetics.


Designers do not use design to attract people"s attention, but pay more attention to the humanized user experience brought by the design to the customer group. An ubiquitous art space that is integrated into life is born here.


How to achieve a perfect balance between the ideal design and the restrict of reality? In the new series of furniture CHIC-Alivar, the designers integrate the traditional production process and modern technology, use the geometry design, and expand the sitting and lying space. Or they add light elements to the details to create gorgeous visual effects and enhance the spirituality of space.


Part of the material is springback memory cotton, which can record the human body curve, improve the fitting strength of the body back, which relieves the fatigue of long sitting. The value of art is reflected in the practicality.


Tradition and modernity, luxury and minimalism. Design has a boundary, but the beauty not.

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