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Meghan Markle"s father Thomas has admitted he may never see his daughter again after a series of explosive interviews since the royal wedding. It came after the Duchess"s father revealed he had not spoken to his daughter in months and said he wanted his old life back. Mr Markle said he wanted to go on holiday and leave the furore with the royal family behind, he told The Sun.


He said: "I want to say good luck and God bless to my daughter. I don"t expect to see her or hear back from her — and that"s OK. I just want to re-establish the relationship with my daughter."


He claimed in a newspaper interview that his daughter looked 『terrified』 in her new role and that she wore a 『pained smile』. Meghan"s father also says that he was concerned his daughter may have read false reports that he faked his heart attack.


Thomas said he believed his interviews had 「locked the door, pulled the -windows down and closed the shades」 between him and the royals. But he was unrepentant about his decision to -publicly speak out.


Speaking to the Mail, Thomas Markle said his daughter was ignoring him and had changed all her numbers since marrying Harry.





Relations between the Duchess of Sussex』s father and the royals sank to a new low after he made a string of claims about how the couple and the Palace have treated him.


He admitted that he had lied to Prince Harry when the couple rang him to ask if he had co-operated with photographers, telling him: 『No, I was being fitted for a new hoodie.』 But days after footage emerged of Mr Markle posing for the shots, Harry called again.


By now Mr Markle was in hospital after a heart attack which had forced him to pull out of walking his daughter down the aisle days before the wedding. He claims the furious prince told him: 『If you had listened to me this would never have happened.』


Mr Markle said he was upset at the call and replied: 『Maybe it would be better for you guys if I was dead... then you could pretend to be sad』 before hanging up.







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