首頁 > 最新 > 一隻巨大友好的章魚為孩子們提供了一個沉浸式的遊樂場


荷蘭藝術家Florentijn Hofman (他之前在台灣生產了只超大兔子)展示了他最新的大型動物設計,這次展示了萬科集團位於深圳鹽田市中心的一個城市發展的遊戲場景功能。這個遊樂場是在章魚的八條腿和頭部內設計的,儘管它看起來很友好,但它是以神話中的海洋生物Kracken命名的。

Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman (who previously produced this oversized bunny in Taiwan) has unveiled his newest large-scale animal design, this time with the function of a playscape for Vanke Group"s One City development in the centre of Yantian, Shenzhen. The playground is designed within the eight legs and head of an octopus, a piece that is named after the mythological sea creature Kracken despite its friendly appearance.


The octopus was designed alongside the team at UAP, which helped Hofman bring his imaginative work to life, and plays off of the history of the area which previously housed a battleship in its harbor. TheKrackenis now docked as a place for imaginative play, rather than attacking other sailing vessels at sea. (via Designboom)



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