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相遇·漫山 A Rich Rendez-Vous


Hither and Yon』s Cabernet Sauvignon: A Companion for Any Occasion


From Dionysus, the ancient Greek god of wine, to the 「blood of Jesus」 in the Bible, wine has long been part of the human experience in mysterious and intimate ways. Not predicated on trend or fashion, it has served as the backdrop for our everydaylives, flowing naturally from the dining table to the banquethall—the progenitor of new experiences and chance encounters with each toast.

葡萄酒本身的歷史也是一次美麗的相遇: 果實和空氣的每一次接觸都是偶然的,因此才有了品種繁多的酒。

In fact, the history of wine itself is nothing more than a seriesof beautiful chance encounters; an infinite interplay between thegrape and its environment to give birth to a host of wine varieties.

「葡萄酒 的神話使人們理解了日常生活的隨性「


「La mythologie du vin peut nous faire d』ailleurscomprendre l』ambigu?té habituelle de notre vie quoti- dienne.」

——Roland Barthes

其實,生命中處處都是相遇。所有的相遇又構成了生活。而我們和葡萄酒的相遇每一天都在繼續,它的奇妙之處便隱匿於偶 然之中。

Our lives are filled with such chance encounters that constitute the experience of ourlives. Our encounters with wine take place on a daily basis, its wonders to be found hidden amidst such chance meetings.

我們以酒佐餐,以酒會友,或者,我們索性讓它融 入甜品的肌理,帶給味蕾一次全新的「相遇」。

We set our table with wine, serve wine to our friends, or let it permeate into the texture of our desserts in a new chance encounter for our taste buds.

Cass Morri 熱衷於做各式各樣的甜點,她說生活不止有一種,美食的創造和享用方式亦然。兩塊裸蛋糕,塗抹得亂糟糟的奶油,切了幾大塊冰糖燉梨, 再淋上一盅漫山的赤霞珠。在一瞬間,所有事物得以關聯,包括那顆跳動的心臟。

Cass Morri is passionate about making different and creative desserts. She points out, just as there is not one way to live, there is not only one way to create and enjoy desserts. Here, two unadorned cake layers are frosted in loose, casual strokes, the cream piled on itself in layer upon layer. Next, cut candied pears are placed on each frosted cake layer. The piece de résistance, however, is Hither & Yon』s Cabernet Sauvignon,copiously drizzled onto the cake. In a flash, it seems everything is connected, includingour beating heart.

那些酒,浸入溫潤的鱷梨,滑過奶油再沿著蛋糕 的肌膚淌下,在奔放粗曠間透著一股溫情。

The wine is slowly soaked up by the warm pears, its excessive runoff creating red rivetsin the frosted cream, before it completes its journey into the heart of the cake layers—a messy, unrestrained process that invites us to participate in the experience of thedessert』s exquisite combination of flavors.



Truth, Freedom, Sensitivity

Unconstrained, Unrestrained

: 明亮的寶石紅,邊緣泛櫻桃澤。

香氣: 桉樹氣息是它最大的特色,有紫色果實的甜香加上樹莓和豆蔻的芬芳,不經意間還散發出雪松的味道。

口感: 深色水果與紅褐色泥土香氣在口腔環繞,如同白巧克力一般絲滑。細品有淡淡煙草葉和橡木的香味。酒體中等,但具有良好的深度與紋理。即刻打開可以品味她的新鮮與活潑,但每一秒時間的沉澱也能讓她變得更有韻味。

食物搭配: 烤豬肉茴香香腸,義大利奶油巴馬玉米粥,或再配上些許青豆。赤霞珠是栽培歷史最悠久的葡萄品 種,是全世界最受歡迎的黑色釀酒葡萄,也是在中國餐 桌上最常見的品種。在中國,人們將它譯為解百納,似 乎是一款有情懷的酒了。由它釀造的干紅,是牛肉和菇 類食物的最佳伴侶。

Color: Bright ruby red, cherry red along the edges.

Aroma: The fragrance of eucalyptus is this wine』s most distinctive feature. To the sweetness of the eucalyptus berries is added the alluring fragrance of raspberries and cardamom.Unexpectedly, one also finds a faint aroma of cedar.

Palate: Dark colored fruit highlights and a reddish brown earthy aroma fill the palate likethe silkiness of white chocolate. Faint notes of tobacco leaves and oak can be noticed in the background. This wine is medium bodied, yet features a good depth and texture. Uncorking abottle, its freshness and liveliness are immediately apparent, however, the wine also benefits from breathing, which brings out a flavor of increasing charm.

FoodMatch: Roasted pork fennel sausage, Italian butter and parmesan polenta—with orwithout a side dish of green beans. Cabernet Sauvignon is the oldest variety of cultivatedgrapes and the world』s most popular red. It is also the most frequently consumed wine inChinese homes and restaurants. As a dry red, it serves as a wonderful companion for beef and mushroom based dishes.

17 High Street Willunga 5172, South Australia



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