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Motorola phone "brazen copy" of iPhone X

摩托羅拉手機「厚顏無恥地抄襲」iPhone X

Smartphone brand Motorola has been criticised for revealing a "shameless" copy of the iPhone X as its new model.

智能手機品牌摩托羅拉因被爆「無恥」地將iPhone X複製品作為其新機型而受到批評。

Many phone-makers have copied the look of the iPhone X, which has a smaller bezel around the screen and a "notch" at the top that houses a camera.

許多手機製造商都模仿了iPhone X的外觀。iPhone X的屏幕邊框較小,頂部有一個帶攝像頭的「凹槽」。

However, reviewers said the new Motorola P30 was a "brazen" and "egregious" rip-off of Apple"s flagship device.


Lenovo, which owns the Motorola brand, has not yet responded to the criticism.


Motorola was a pioneer in the mobile phone industry, but its sales fell in the smartphone era and its handset division was sold to Google in 2012.


The division was then sold to Chinese computer firm Lenovo in 2014, where it has continued to produce smartphones running the Android operating system.


Commenting on the similarity between the Motorola P30 and the iPhone X, technology blogger Marques Brownlee called it the "most shameless rip yet".

在評論摩托羅拉P30和iPhone X的相似之處時,科技博主Marques Brownlee稱這是「迄今為止最無恥的一次」。

News site Mashable said Motorola "even went so far as to adorn the screen with a wallpaper that"s a dead ringer for Apple"s default wallpaper".


News and reviews site Technobuffalo said the design was an "egregious clone" that was "nearly impossible to distinguish" from the iPhone X.

新聞和評論網站Technobuffalo表示,該設計是一個「令人震驚的克隆產品」,幾乎無法與iPhone X區分開來。

Tech news site The Verge pointed out that Google"s image recognition algorithms described photos of the P30 as "iPhone".

科技新聞網站The Verge指出,谷歌的圖像識別演算法將P30的照片描述為「iPhone」。

"The growing number of identikit smartphone designs is a depressing trend and it"s little wonder consumer apathy is on the rise and replacement rates are slowing," said analyst Ben Wood from the CCS Insight consultancy.

諮詢公司CCS Insight的分析師本?伍德表示:「越來越多的可識別智能手機設計是一個令人沮喪的趨勢,難怪消費者的冷漠情緒在上升,更換頻率正在放緩。」

"One starts to wonder whether Jony Ive"s design group at Apple has become the de facto owner for the reference design for all high-end smartphones.


"Phone makers need to innovate and find ways to differentiate if they want to maintain consumer desire to upgrade their phones," he told the BBC.


On Thursday, Lenovo posted an operating profit for the first quarter - after making a loss the previous year.


Bloomberg attributed the rise to an increase in sales, but also cost-cutting measures in its mobile division.


Lenovo plans to sell the Motorola P30 in China, but has not announced its availability in other countries. The device is expected to cost about $350 (£275) - less than half the price of Apple"s flagship device.


▌ 部分素材來源於BBC,世界播團隊翻譯



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