首頁 > 最新 > 最喜歡的航空公司制服?這樣回答更有說服力




撰文者?FIona 航空職前培訓師?前海灣航空頭等艙乘務員?前海灣航空招募官


面談情境:Group Interview, 5 candidates with 5 interviewers. (Gia, Kristin, Sachi, Johnathan, Barak)

Interviewer A:Why do you want to join us? 你為什麼想加入我們公司呢?

Joan:I really adore the uniform of China Airlines, I found it really creates distinctive and attractive apparel. Not to mention that design was approved by 2015 Global Traveler- Best Flight Attendant Uniforms Awards. I was a school ambassador, used to present decentgroomingwhen I received the visitors. I『ll be very proud if I can put on China Airlines award-wining uniform and be an ambassador in the sky. 我非常喜歡中華航空具有特色並充滿魅力的制服。我知道華航的制服在 2015 年得到 Global Traveler 最佳乘務員制服的獎項肯定。在學校時我擔任我親善大使,擅長用完美的儀容接但貴賓,我希望我能夠穿上華航的制服,做個空中大使。

Interviewer B:But you must be aware that we changed the uniform already, right? 但你應該知道我們已經換新制服了吧?

Joan:Uh... yes, but being a flight attendant is theprimarygoal of my career. I want to show the outstandinghospitalityskill in the air like China Airlines always says- We treasure each encounter. 我知道,但是成為乘務員是我一直以來的目標,我希望我可以用出色的服務技巧來服務旅客,想華航一直一來強調的 - 相逢自是有緣,華航以客為尊。

Interviewer A:How do you feel about our new uniform then? Can you give some advices??你對我們的新制服有什麼建議嗎?

Joan:Oh...the 「NexGen」 uniform designed bywell-knownAcademy Award- nominated designer and eleven-time Golden Horse Award winner William Cheung. He said What he designed is a fashion wear, not a uniform. I found that』s a real feast for the eyes of both customers and staff. 我知道新制服是榮獲金像獎和金馬獎肯定的知名設計師張叔平設計的,他曾經說他設計的不只是制服,而是時裝。我想這讓我們成為空中的嬌點。

Interviewer A:How about you, Miss No. 5? How do you feel about our new uniform? 五號小姐,你喜歡我們的新制服嗎?

Kristin:To be honest, I was a bit shock when I first saw our new uniform on the launch party. I have to say I was not used to the resurgence in bringing glamour and color initially. But for me, theprimaryrole of a flight attendant is toensurepassengers』 safety. Sharp cuts and bold vibrant color might change the appearance of how people used to know us. But the passion we show at work and the beyond- expectation-mind-set to make someone』s day will never change. I』ve been working in five-starhospitalityindustry more than six years, I wouldn』t mind another different uniform on me. What persuade myself to stay in this people-oriented job, is not what I wear but who I interact with. I would be happier to feature my interpersonal skill than....... 坦白說一開始看到新制服的發表時我有點驚訝,我有點不習慣強烈的色彩出現在我們的制服上。但對我而言,乘務員的第一職責是保護顧客旅行中的安全。獨具特色的制服剪裁可能讓乘客對我們有不同的觀感印象,但我認為我們在工作上投入的熱情和賓至如歸的精神是不改變的。我在五星級飯店業超過六年了,換一套不同的衣服並不改變我待在服務第一線的初衷,我想能夠展現面對顧客的款待技巧能給我的滿足感更勝於......

To be continued......

求職理由成千上百,『喜歡制服』是我們在接觸准乘務員選擇航空公司時最常聽到的回覆之一,雖然他的確是實話,但只是喜歡制服卻不夠說服主考官你真的可以成為一個適合公司並可以穩定的應對未來工作挑戰的乘務員。以上面範例的 Joan 跟 Kristin 相較,你認為誰比較容易得到主考官的認同?喜歡制服沒有錯,只是在面談中,從喜歡制服到個人資格的整合,應該有更細緻、更具說服力的做法。這也是我們所有的老師一直不斷嘗試告訴大家的,你不需要臆測考官的喜好或拍航空公司馬,但需要找到你獨一無二的面談優勢。







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