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「About 3 years ago, I met my friend next to my house in my native town, she was my schoolmate, I hadn』t seen her for several years. At the time I finished my university and worked as a teacher of English, I just planned to travel around to see the world. She told me she worked in China, Ningbo, and she suggested that maybe it would be a good try for me to see China first. So I decided, I went to Tianjin first, and then one manager found my CV on the internet, and invited me to Shenzhen. Then I worked in the medical company as interpreter and HR, interpreting from English to Russian, Ukrainian, and recruiting people from overseas to work in China. Now I』ve been in Shenzhen a little bit more than 1 year, and right now I just changed the company, now I』m having a short vacation, then I』ll start work again in Sept. Right now in Shenzhen, I』m trying to see some new things, I just try to communicate to all the surroundings, all the people, and find some nice things, and enjoy the life. Quite accidentally, I didn』t plan it, I didn』t even plan to come to China, it just happened like that, kind of a hand of fate.」


「My biggest wish? Oh, make a family maybe, my own family, in the near future. I』m still single, I』ve never met anyone from the internet, I haven』t plan to do that, I prefer to meet people face to face, a person in reality. Actually I』m working on it, I』m having a lot of date, I meet a lot of nice people, nice man, nice guy, and make friendship with a lot of people in Shenzhen, and some of them from my own country. I』m quite adoptive person, I adopt myself easily to any country, I can live in Ukraine, Shenzhen, Russia, and Europe, elsewhere is OK. The best way is to be close to your friends. It doesn』t matter where you are, if you have nice people all around, you』ll get used to the place very easy and fast. Imagine my own family will be my husband, me, maybe one kid, it』s a kind of discussion with my husband. Oh, maybe twins! It happened in my family, so genetically I can have twins. Hmmm, really the biggest wish, it』s a kind of plan, but it』s also a hand of fate.」


「My best decision is starting myself: To discover the world, positive thinking and self-developing. To discover the world, I quit home and go travelling by myself. I did what I had to do, did my university, I studied a lot, English, one of my major is Politics English, and Russian, Russian literature, then did some practice, then worked as a teacher of English. I planned to travel to see the world, and I made it. Now I』ve seen some countries, beautiful places, like I did the cable car riding in HK, I』ve seen the Victoria Harbor. Travelling all around the world let me see things different. The positive psychology changed my attitude to a lot of things, my parents, my family, myself, my life. I』m doing some meditation and yoga, which help a lot. It just started around 9 months ago, I just realized when you grew up and grew up , with the flow of time, you need to see some new things. Like a person rose up, something inside, a spark of life flickered: OK, got it, let』s go for it!」






「Ask some questions about China or Chinese?」

「How they do biz and negotiation?

How they write the paper and document?

If they tell me something, how can I understand if they are tricking me or not?

How can I read the emotion from the face?」




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