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巨大的能量波 能量風暴正在流經地球

While we have wave after wave of high-impact Light flowing into us, one of the things that is impacting us is our perception. Our perception of ourselves and all things on Earth is shifting. Everything is new and unfamiliar. Observe it all with Compassion and understand what is happening, without the need to cling to the old, familiar way. It』s best to not put it in a box for contemplation; let it flow. In your Silence, you know. The chains that bind you to the old are dissolving. Pay attention to when you receive Truth. Each has their own way of doing this…some have goosebumps; some have expansion around the Heart and some vibrate. Only you know the Truth. There is no right or wrong; there are only different choices. Some choices expand you; others limit you. Feel before you choose.

高衝擊光一波連著一波的流經我們,覺察力(悟性)對我們影響深遠。 我們對自己和地球上所有事物的看法一直處在不斷變化之中。 一切都是新鮮並陌生的。 用慈悲觀照一切,了解正在發生的事情,而非固執堅守舊有熟悉的觀念。 最好不要就一個問題陷入頭腦沉思; 讓意識流動。 在靜默中,你獲得答案。 束縛著你的舊式鏈條正在消融。留意你了悟真理時的身體感受: 每個人都有自己獨特的感知方式,有些人會起雞皮疙瘩; 有些人心臟擴張,有些人會振動。 只有你知道真相。 沒有對錯; 只是不同的選擇。 有些選擇拓展你; 另一些則會制約你,請跟隨內心,做出選擇。

Realize that any perceived obstacles can be seen as opportunities; they can clear you of old and expand you in ways unbeknownst to you. There may be times in which you question the validity of the New. You may experience times in which you don』t feel connected to anything or anyone. You are always connected. When you feel disconnected it may be that you are releasing an old belief of separation. Even when someone seems to have different beliefs from you, you are still connected to them. Be still and listen without judgment. You know who you are; you needn』t convince others of a way you resonate with. In fact, when someone shows you how they perceive something that is different from how you feel and you become defensive, you are giving your Power to them!

意識到任何能感知到的困境都可以視作機會; 種種障礙有助於你擺脫舊有模式,並以不為人知的方式擴展你。 有時你可能會質疑新認知的有效性;有時可能你會缺少和人事物的連接。你在大多數時候處於連接狀態,因此任何的非連接狀態都是一個信號,提醒你,你在釋放一個分裂的舊有模式。即使有時看起來他們不信任你,你和他們仍然處於連接狀態。靜定下來,沒有評判的傾聽。你知道自己是誰,你沒必要通過與他人共振的方式讓他們感受到你。事實上,當他人對人事物的認知方式與你不同,並且你因此變得警覺時,你能讓自己的能量外流向他們。

The energy continuously becomes stronger. This can feel exhilerating and threatening all at the same time. Stay firmly in the middle; not attaching to either. Be the Observer. This moves you through. Once you are fully anchored in Love (The New), even when you are thinking negatively, your Love trumps negativity and aligns you with Love. Love (Source) is radiated outward by you. Of course, when you are thinking loving thoughts, it empowers the Love that emits from within you. Don』t think this is an excuse to only think negatively; for that surely is not the way to evolve or receive the Truth.

能量不斷變強,興奮感與畏懼感並存。 請堅定地站在中間; 不依附於任意一方。 做一名觀察者,這有助於你在能量流中安然自若。 一旦你完全沉浸在愛(新的)中,即使你在消極地思考,你的愛也會勝過消極情緒並使你與愛保持一致。 愛(源)由你向外輻射。 當然,當你在思考愛時,愛的想法會為你的內在力量賦能。不要以消極思考為借口; 因為那肯定不是接近或接收真理的途徑。

Now more than ever it is essential to put into practice being Love. Go deeply into everything you experience. This includes doing this with all your senses. As you are being Love, smell what that smells like, what it feels like and what it looks like. As your Sensitivity grows, you will go deeper into everything you say, do and feel and what others say and do. Your experiences will be richer.

現在比以往任何時候都更需要明白將愛付諸實踐的必要性。 深入探知你體驗的一切,請調動一切感官來體驗。 當你在愛中時,聞一聞,感受下,觀察它。 隨著你敏感度的增長,你會更深入地了解自己的所說、所做、所感以及別人的言行。 你的經歷會更豐富。

A tsunami of energy is flowing to Earth now. It』s a great time to decide what direction you choose to go in. This is not a time to stand idly by, but to put into action all of who you are; even if it』s just a decision…it moves the energy in the direction you choose to go in and integrates it. First, intuit what is expansive for you and then take a step in that direction. It doesn』t have to be huge; even clearing out a drawer moves the energy in the direction you want to go…if you are pondering a move. If you want your business to grow, set your intentions in that direction and align your intention with the energy. Just by being Love, you set your course. By focusing on your consciousness by having loving thoughts and feelings, you move in the direction of your decisions. Marketing and advertising are the old way. You attract all through your consciousness. Resist labeling yourself. Instead, make a list of your gifts. You are not a teacher, an empath, a healer, a mother, a father, or anything; you are much more than any label you assign to yourself. Labels limit; owning your gifts expand.

現在,能量潮正流向地球。這是決定你選擇進入哪個方向的好時機。現在不是袖手旁觀的時候,而是將你是誰、你想成為什麼人都付諸實踐的時候; 即使只是一個決定......這種行動也有助於能量向你選擇進入的方向移動並整合它。首先,憑著直覺感受什麼在拓展你,然後向那個方向邁出一步。它不一定是多麼巨大的舉動;如果你在考慮要做點什麼,那麼即使是清理抽屜也有助於能量朝你想去的方向移動。如果你希望自己的業務增長,請將你的意圖設定在這個方向,並將你的意圖與能量結合起來。只是通過愛,你設定你的路線。通過擁有愛的思想和愛的感受來專註於你的意識,能量就會朝著你決定方向的前進。營銷和廣告是舊的方式。你通過意識吸引一切。拒絕貼標籤式的自我設限,相反,我們應列出自己的天賦。你不是老師,同情者,治療師,母親,父親或其他任何; 你遠比你為自己貼的任何標籤(社會角色)偉大。貼標籤限制;擁有天賦拓展。

Because this huge wave of energy is upon us, anything that limits you is exposed; be it family issues, old patterns or belief systems…or all of the above. Anything you are fearful of most likely will surface as well. Self-doubt, ancestral karma, self-loathing and judgment all surface. Why? To release so that you may be more Love. Old wounds may surface mentally, emotionally and physically. If you feel exhausted and weary, let it be. Remember that you are not your programming. You need not fit into the illusion of magazine models or even the more popular spiritual ideas. Feel what resonates within your Heart and pay no attention to negative self-talk. I remind you also that there is no us and them; this is separation at its lowest. We are all One.

因為這巨大的能量浪潮正流經在我們的身體,任何限制你的東西都暴露在外; 無論是家庭問題,舊模式還是信仰系統......或者以上所有。 任何你最害怕的東西都會浮出水面。 自我懷疑,祖先的業力,自我厭惡和判斷都浮出水面。 為什麼?釋放舊有限制會讓你更有愛。舊的傷口可能在精神上,情感上和身體上都有表現。 如果你感到疲憊厭煩,允許其如是就好。 請記住,你不是你的編程。 你不需要融入雜誌模特的幻覺,甚至你也不是更受歡迎的精神思想。感受內心的共鳴,不要注意消極的自我對話。 我也提醒你,沒有我們和他們; 這是最低的分離。我們是一。

There is much that is untrue. It』s important to pay attention to your own Discernment and not follow anything or anyone that tends to tell you how to feel, act or think. If you find yourself experiencing any of the above (or other experiences), be with it before you release. Don』t resist, for that only attaches you to these old limiting things and it goes right back into your subconscious to replay again and again. As you just let it be, it loosens its grip and then it』s easier to let it/them go. Be sure to not blame someone else for your experiences; take full Responsibility, for you have created it all. This is not judgment; it is how it is.

很多事是不真實的。 重點是相信自己的辨別力,不要輕信任何告訴你該怎樣感受,行動或思考的人。 如果你發現自己遇到上述任何一種情況(或其他經歷),在釋放掉這些情緒前請先好好的和它們相處。不要抗拒,因為那隻會把你帶回這些舊有的限制性事物上,然後你的潛意識會一次又一次地重複運作這些舊有模式。 如果你允許它們如其所是的存在,它們就會自行鬆開對你的抓取,它們會更容易的離開。記得一定不要將自己的經歷歸罪於他人; 要學會承擔全部責任,因為你創造了一切。 這不是一種看法; 它就是這麼回事。

When you practice Gratitude, you evolve. When you stay in the Moment and are mindful, you evolve. When you meditate, not only are you in Gratitude, but you are in the Moment. Meditation helps you stay in the Heart and it quiets the mind. It is truly transformative. Breathe. Meditation helps you evolve.

當你練習感恩時,你會進化。 當你保持臨在和覺知時,你會進化。 當你冥想時,你不僅在感恩中,亦處於臨在中。 冥想可以幫助你安守自心,平靜頭腦。 這是具有變革性的。呼吸,冥想可以幫助你進化。

With the huge energies that are flowing, big changes occur; with or without your conscious help. Make changes before they are forced on you (or at least it seems that way). The Earth also experiences this (notice the fires, volcanoes, weather, melting, etc.) It』s all Transformation. There is a potential also for new Blueprints to anchor for those who have done their work. Our bodies continue to adjust to holding so much Light. We have been merging our physical bodies with your Souls (Lightbodies). It takes accepting right where we are and all that is occurring, as well as being open and neutral (non-attached). This helps us hold a high frequency. We are energy. Energy fluctuates; sometimes it』s high; sometimes low. We are like a river. We flow sometimes fast and sometimes slow. We sometimes rest in eddies and boulders don』t stop us; we transmform them. We provide for other lifeforms and sometimes get so full, we overflow with emotion, Love and feelings. We take others along for an adventure.


We shift our energy by what consciousness we have within. We attract and expand or we resist and limit our energy. We feel others and what energy they emit. When we use our Intuition; our feeling-sense; we are guided. When we ignore our Intuition, often we experience anxiety and fear. It』s ours; not anyone else』s. We may also close ourselves off from our guidance in order to fit in. When we ignore our Intuition, we strengthen separate ego. In the New , we trust our Intuition/Guidance, even though we can』t put it in a box or articulate it. It simply is. Fear locks us into separation and the old. Trust your Intuition always. Trust your Guidance always. Do not follow the status quo and those who may try to convince you it』s the only way.

我們通過內在的意識來轉移能量。 我們吸引、擴大或是抵制、限制我們的能量。 我們感受到他人和他們所釋放的能量。 當我們使用我們的直覺; 我們的感覺; 我們受到內心指導。 當我們忽視我們的直覺時,我們常常會感到焦慮和恐懼。 這是我們的; 不是別人的。 為了適應,我們也可能會脫離內心指導。當我們忽視我們的直覺時,我們會加強我們分裂的小我。 在新紀元,我們相信我們的直覺/內心指導,即使我們不能看見它或清晰地表達它。 它就在那裡。 恐懼將我們鎖在分離和舊的狀態中。 始終相信你的直覺。 始終相信你內心的指導。 不要遵循現狀和那些可能試圖說服你的人,這是唯一的方法。

Be courageous; be the powerful and sovereign being you are.







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