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本期拉美哥要採訪的對象是在世界九大投行之一德意志銀行擔任Business Analysis Manager的Carlos。Carlos來自於瓜地馬拉,是拉美哥之前在花旗時的同事,目前在Deutsche Bank的Jacksonville Office工作。

金融危機之後,很多投行開始在一些生活成本較低的地方設點,把員工撤離出華爾街。德銀在Jacksonville的Office是其在整個美洲第二大的Office,該Office前中後台的職能都有覆蓋,絕不僅是一個中後台支持中心。更關鍵的是,德銀Jacksonville Office對國際學生較為友好,每年都有招聘國際學生的計劃且能為國際學生辦理H1B簽證。拉美哥自己在畢業之前也曾拿到過該Office的Full Time Offer,整體來說對國際學生還是比較友好的。

隨著Big Data和Business Intelligence的興起,越來越多的學校開始在商學院下設立了Master of Business Analytics的Program。對國際學生來說,BA專業由於技術性較強且一般來說屬於STEM,可以說是商學院中最好就業的專業。



What does your department do?


Deutsche Bank, like all leading financial institutions, are divided into multiple businesses. Deutsche Bank consists of three primary businesses, Corporate & Investment Bank, Asset Management, and Private & Commercial Bank. I work within Institutional Asset Management.

Institutional Asset Management is a buy-side institution currently managing over $820 Billion of client assets for many of the world』s largest companies. Portfolio Managers within the Asset Management business invest client assets to generate investment returns beyond benchmark performance. Managing nearly $1 trillion of client assets our teams consist of top global minds ranging from Economists, Traders, Portfolio Managers, Quantitative/ Research Analyst, Sales Executives, and Relationship Managers managing Active, Passive, and Alternative investment mandates.


What are your job functions as a Business Analyst?


Supporting front-office activities of the Asset Management business,my principal responsibility is simply to, do things a better way.The 21st century demands automation of redundant processes and system enhancements. This means leveraging financial technology to automate existing processes, and implement system and procedural redesign global projects.


Could you describe a typical day at work?


There is no typical day in my role since each day』s demands bring new and exciting challenges. My days can range from presenting new ideas to portfolio managers to working with Marketing on developing new client materials, and to working with our technology partners on implementing new systems throughout the bank.


Does Deutsche Bank in Jacksonville hire international students?


Yes. As a global leader all Duetsche Bank』s businesses is constantly searching for the bright and talented students across borders. Jacksonville is the second largest Deutsche Bank office in North and South America which provides international students a unique career opportunity.And we do provide Visa sponsorship for international students.


What are the most important hard and soft skills in your current role?


Dynamic and adaptability are the most important soft skills critical for me to succeed in my current role. Financial markets move quickly and anyone wishing to work for a leading global investment bank must adapt and pivot to business and client needs. No longer can rigid one way, non-creative minds, succeed in an ever changing environment. All hard skills must be dynamic and adaptable.


Any advices you might have for students in college who want to pursue a career as BA in top Investment Bank?


The best and most practical advice I can offer college students is to be proactive about the direction of his/her career. Take any opportunity, whether an internship or working in an area that is not your main desire.Getting entry into top global investment banks is the biggest hurdle you will face as college student.Once in, it is your duty to excel beyond your co-workers and seeks new opportunities, raise your hand and do not be afraid.

College students must ensure they offer new ideas and talent to large investment banks. You may only get one opportunity to interview with a global leader and you MUST be prepared. Practice interview technique, work with recruiters and career coaches to help craft your interviews answers. Work with anyone of can offer real world FIRST HAND knowledge of the industry. These professionals have been and are where you want to be. Lastly, never be afraid to raise your hand and seek new opportunities, stand out!



對於想在美國投行求職的同學來說,除了紐約之外其實還有很多其他的選擇。像BoA的夏洛特總部,Citi的Tampa Office和德銀的Jacksonville Office每年基本都有國際學生的招聘計劃,這些Office的競爭遠沒有紐約激烈,收入的話在考慮生活成本後也不見得比紐約低。缺點就是這些城市生活方面可能比較枯燥,跳槽的機會也比較少。




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