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Tiffany居然有自動販賣機了,在街邊賣珠寶,驚呆了 | 雙語熱點

原標題:Tiffany居然有自動販賣機了,在街邊賣珠寶,驚呆了 | 雙語熱點



ATiffany & Co vending machine now exists


Tiffany & Co. just introduced a novel to shop their iconic items: a vending machine. Located in the brand"s recently opened London store, Tiffany & Co."s latest shopping innovation lets visitors to purchase the new Tiffany & Co. fragrance from a Tiffany blue vending machine.


The Tiffany Style Studio, which launched earlier this month in London"s Covent Garden, was designed to be an innovative retail space that offers a unique shopping experience. "We"ve integrated uniquely playful displays that reflect the wit and humor of Tiffany design to create a one-of-a-kind, experiential destination," said Richard Moore, vice president, creative director of store design and creative visual merchandising at Tiffany & Co, according to Harper"s Bazaar UK.

蒂芙尼本月早些時候在倫敦考文特花園開業的Style Studio新零售概念店被設計成一個創新的零售店,提供獨特的購物體驗。《時尚芭莎》雜誌報道,蒂芙尼店鋪設計、創意視覺營銷副總裁兼創意總監Richard Moore說:「我們整合了獨特有趣的展品來彰顯蒂芙尼設計的睿智與幽默,打造一個獨一無二的體驗店。」

TheLondon store has Tiffany Blue wooden crates that display the brand"s "Everyday Object" accessories. The location also has a #MakeItTiffany personalization bar, which gives shoppers the chance to engrave symbols or monograms on select products. And you don"t have to go across the pond to personalize your Tiffany items: there"s a pop-up personalization space in Tiffany"s Rockefeller Center location in New York, too.

倫敦店裡有蒂芙尼藍的木箱展示這一品牌的Everyday Object系列配飾。這家專賣店也有一個MakeItTiffany個性吧,讓消費者可以在選好的商品上刻上記號或字母。你無需橫跨大西洋去給你的蒂凡尼飾品做標記:紐約洛克菲勒中心的蒂凡妮專賣店裡也有一個火爆的個性化區域。

The vending machine marks the latest innovation embraced by the storied brand. Earlier this year, Tiffany & Co. painted New York subway stations and taxis their signature shade of blue. The Insta-worthy occasion was created to celebrate the launch of Tiffany"s new jewelry collection, Paper Flowers.

自動販賣機標誌著這家老品牌樂於接受最新創意。今年早些時候,蒂芙尼在紐約地鐵站和計程車上都噴塗了標誌性的藍色,這個值得被發到ins上的活動是為了宣傳蒂芙尼新推出的Paper Flowers珠寶系列。

And last year, Tiffany opened their first ever dining concept in New York: the Tiffany Blue Box Café. Tiffany fans can now dine in the all-day café, which is very appropriately covered in Tiffany"s iconic shade of blue. Plan your visit to Tiffany"s Covent Garden Style studio here.

去年蒂芙尼在紐約開了第一家餐廳:蒂芙尼藍盒咖啡廳。蒂芙尼粉現在可以來這家全天營業的咖啡廳就餐,全店都是標誌性的蒂芙尼藍,現在就計劃一下去考文特花園蒂芙尼Style Studio新零售概念店的行程吧。









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