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Luxe.Co London Forum:open for ticket reservation

Luxe.Co London Forum

Fashion Entrepreneurship in UK & China

18thSeptember 2018, 14:00-19:00pm

Luxe.Co London Forum is coming soon on Sep 18, 2018. It will be a groundbreaking event connecting entrepreneurs, investors, designers, innovators and KOLs of fashion and luxury industry from China and UK, to discuss the most important topics concerning the future of fashion and luxury industry on the same page!

Since 2013, Luxe.Co has been providing comprehensive business news, financial analysis and industry research to millions of Chinese elite readers regarding luxury, fashion and lifestyle industry, with global perspective, China angle and unique industry insights. Over years, we have closely followed the changes in global fashion industry, and in particular, the rise of Chinese consumer market.

This is the fourth year Luxe.Co hosts Global Fashion Innovation and Investment Forum (2015 and 2016 in Beijing, 2017 in New York City, 2018 in Beijing, London, Milan). Coming to London, the highlight of the forum will be on fashion entrepreneurship and innovation with the following key topics:

Entrepreneurial spirit and practice in fashion business

Empower fashion industry with technology innovations

Sustainable fashion: bridging gap between the advocate and the mass

Fashion incubators and their role in growing entrepreneurial ecosystems

The Luxe.Co proprietary report「Chinese Fashion Consumers 2018」will be presented during the forum. Since 2015, theReportannually provides the latest and most comprehensive understanding of the behaviors and preferences of fashion consumers in China. The survey underlying the report is conducted over the Internet with questionnaires and interviews, using controlled node distribution. A total of2,716valid samples have been collected, mainly from the first and second-tier cities of China, plus a certain percentage of oversea Chinese –83.98%of which were born after the year of 1985.

Following the presentation of the Luxe.Co report, there will be a short Q&A session, over which Founder and Research Director of Luxe.Co, alongside some industry experts will be available for any questions about China』s fashion market.


General Admission Fee: £25

*Please reserve your seathere. Within one week before the event, we will inform you of the venue and the payment link.


Tel: +86 130 3117 0087

Retrospect of Luxe.Co Forum (click link)

*Luxe.Co reserves the right of final explanation of this event

Reserve your seathere



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