銀元十大 珍之第一珍——上海一兩銀幣
One or two silver coins in Shanghai: one or two silver coins (with rays) from the Shanghai Ministry of Industry in 1867, one in diameter: 39mm, weight: 36.8g, beautifully cast.
在考慮平衡對等原則下,背面是英國皇室及嘉德勳章圖案(Royal Arms and Garter)。樣幣送了一組到北京但未被認可,此套樣幣泉界習稱「上海壹兩」。錢幣界最早對「上海壹兩」進行考證而有具體結果的是中國機制銅幣大師伍德華(Tracey Woodward)。他在1922年開始注意此幣,至1937年發表研究心得,期間費時近十五年。其結論是「上海壹兩」(Shanghai One Tael)是誤寫,應該是「壹上海兩」(One Shanghai Tael),「上海」一詞是指秤量單位,不是地名,即其本意是「漕平壹兩」,並非只要在上海行用。「關平壹兩」系列銀幣是上海壹兩樣幣推動失敗後,英國駐北京公使館漢務參贊威妥瑪(T.F.Wade)認為採用上海平法徒然劃地自限,應採用海關平為宜;此建議送交港府,而幣模由英國皇家造幣廠在1867年底至1868年初之間製成「中外通寶.關平銀壹兩」五枚一套的樣幣送香港,但因香港造幣廠以清廷對機器製造之任何形狀銀幣的提案都沒有興趣而決定關閉,最後整廠賣給了日本,成立大阪造幣局,「關平壹兩」因而不了了之。如果用「漕平壹兩」及「關平壹兩」依序排列香港造幣廠這一系列為自身存續而努力所試製的樣幣,其演變即有了合理的解釋。英國皇家造幣廠博物館藏有「上海壹兩」樣幣一枚及「關平壹兩」的全套樣幣五枚、幣模及設計圖。
Shanghai one two transactions in recent years:
Qing Guangxu thirty years, Hubei province built Treasury Ping - transaction price: RMB1267900 transaction date: 2017-12-12
1867 Shanghai Ministry of labour bureau one two silver - transaction price: RMB1678000--- transaction date: 2017-11-25
Guangxu thirty years Hubei province made price: RMB1276000 transaction date: 2017-06-18
Guangxu thirty years Hubei province made price: RMB1168000 transaction date: 2017-12-29
1867 Shanghai Ministry of labour bureau one two silver - transaction price: RMB1405000--- transaction date: 2017-11-26
Guangxu thirty years, Hubei province made great silver coins - transaction price: RMB1392000--- transaction date: 2017-12-29
In recent years, with the popularity of the coin collection market, the collection of ancient coins can be said to be in full swing, especially those with a unique cultural and historical flavor of coins are increasingly concerned by collectors. One or two Shanghai coins are among the most sought-after, rising in value due to their exquisite workmanship and scarce circulation.
One and two silver coins in Shanghai, commissioned by the Shanghai Bureau of Industry in 1867, were rejected by the Qing government and not circulated. There are two versions of the trial coin, the awn pattern and the awning pattern. The price is above millions.
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