首頁 > 天下 > 不做「沙發土豆」的湯米,跑、跑、跑,從英格蘭跑到蘇格蘭,再跑到愛爾蘭|威廉


















湯米的第二個10公里跑,比較辛苦,跑的不是平路,是半島山丘越野。那也是一個炎熱的周日,他參加的是布萊斯特爾市附近的Bream Hill Run在我看來,湯米表現不錯,但是他回來說,賽跑一路他都感覺累得沒有趕超的盡頭。












In the summer of 2017 Tommy』s big challenge (with brother Jimmy) was the Three Peaks — that』s the highest mountain in Scotland, England and Wales, with the 800 kms of driving in between, within 24 hours. The lads bust that target by a good few hours, finishing in an astonishing 18 hours 31 minutes. Well done lads!

This summer, Tommy』s pledge was to run as much as possible during his stay in the British Isles. But running is a lonely sport, and to maintain one』s momentum the best thing is to enter a race every now and then…

So as I planned out road trip through England, north into Scotland and then over the water to Ireland, I was on the look out for race opportunities for Tommy. Most races are held over weekends, and most cities and towns have a few per month.

The first race that materialized as a real possibility was the hill race of a Highland games being held in Aboyne, part of Deeside, about 2 hours』 drive north of Edinburgh.

Along with the tattoo in Edinburgh, a Highland games (a 『Scottish olympics』) was high up on my list of most-wanted experiences on Scotland.

I managed to find that the Aboyne games fitted our itinerary perfectly. I went online and managed to enter Tommy for the hill race of 11 kms. He was the 4th person to enter as early as March!

What an occasion the Highland games is! Over the summer months about 50 such games are held throughout Scotland, but the most famous are those held on Deeside.

The hill race within the Highland games is actually the origin of the games. Long ago, a King Malcolm of Scotland sent his men running up a hill to decide who would be most physically suited to being his messenger.

My advice to Tommy was to go easy for the first kilometer or so and remember that there would be 2 climbs over the 11 kms length course. It was key that he should control his urge to run too fast too early especially on the first hill climb.

Off they went! First, a lap of the games field, and then out into a road and into the forested hills overlooking the town…..

I waited anxiously about 1 km from the finish, and spotted Tommy』s familiar gait. He was well inside the the first 30, running grittily and looking as if he had timed his efforts well. He crossed the finishing line in a very creditable 23rd place, and there was no body ahead of him who was younger. A great Highland games run for Tommy!

Tommy』s first race of the summer was in early July in London in the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park 10k. This was within sight of the venue used for the 2012 London Olympiad that followed Beijing』s 2008 staging of the Games.

It was a hot day during the UK』s hottest summer since 1976. Tommy had no experience of running in a race and was somewhat carried away by the occasion and started far too fast. When I saw him at the 1 km post he clocked 3 mins and 30 seconds — a minute faster than I』d recommended! He was hanging on at 3km, but generally slowing ( as most runners were). But coupled with the hot Sunday morning sun and lack of shade, he was struggling to hold on for the rest of the race, finishing is 43:50. That was a hard way to run a 10 km — too fast at the start and about 8km of hanging on! Nevertheless he had put down a marker of a personal best 『PB』 — to improve on his next run. And he received a T-shirt as a souvenir! (Many runs include a T shirt and medal to all finishers).

Tommy』s next run was another tough one....a 10 K, but not in a road, up hills and cross country. This the Sunday morning Bream Hill Run (near Bristol) was made tougher by another hot summer』s day (by British standards) at 27 C. Another good run from Tommy — but he said he felt tired most of the way.

Tommy』s most recent race (just a few days ago) was in Ireland, after his races in England and Scotland. This was an 『11th hour』 or last-minute race entry as we neared the city of Tralee in Ireland』s Southwest.

A few days before we arrived there I saw a news report on Irish TV talking about the upcoming 『Rose of Tralee』International festival. The Rose of Tralee at the core of the festival is a very famous beauty contest — with a difference . The girls are not professional models but ordinary Irish girls with beauty outside and inside. Any girl of Irish heritage worldwide is eligible to enter her local 『rose』 contest, and all 『roses』 can travel to Tralee for the grand final . And as well as the Rose beauty contest there are all other kinds of events....including a 10 kms road Race!

I entered Tommy on the Thursday for the race on the Sunday.

The weather conditions were perfect. Cool at 16 degrees C with a wind. This was quite a quality field of runners and I briefed Tommy on formula to better his PB that he』d set in London five weeks before.

Tommy ran very well and I saw him just before the finish — he crossed the line in a new personal best of 42:55.

Well done Tommy on gaining some great race experiences in England, Scotland and Ireland during the summer of 2018.

Enjoy your running wherever you are. Get off the sofa and out for jog or walk!



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