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今天第一篇分享來自奧普拉.溫弗瑞的書籍《The Wisdom of Sundays: Life-Changing Insights from Super Soul Conversations》中的英文摘錄,中文部分是我翻譯編輯的拙作,有很多不足之處,但對我來說這是我邁出的第一步,我渴望不斷地探索學習,在實踐中慢慢領悟,願意冒險並享受和一切未知相處,因為不管怎樣我總會從中獲取有用的啟示,這是喚醒蛻變成長道途上的禮物,也是生命的奇蹟,我對此心懷感激。

Pema Ch?dr?n:帕瑪.邱卓

1932年出生於美國紐約,創巴仁波切最傑出的大弟子之一,,暢銷書作家;北美第一座藏密修道院-加拿大甘波修道院,她受邀參加美國著名脫口秀女王奧普拉.溫弗瑞的靈魂對話節目《super souls sundays》,在那次振奮人心的對話中她談到如何應對生活中艱難的時刻以及全然擁抱恐懼和苦難的價值,並分享了她的靈性覺醒旅程以及找到內心滿足感的重要性。

作為西方第一位女性藏傳佛教教徒,她相信每個人都有能力被喚醒去過更有意識的生活。帕瑪.邱卓的代表作品有《When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times》、《The Places That Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times》-台版書名《轉逆境為喜悅:與恐懼共處的智慧》、Living Beautifully: With Uncertainty and Change 》、《How to Meditate: A Practical Guide to Making Friends with Your Mind》等等。

以下文字英文部分摘自奧普拉.溫弗瑞的書籍《The Wisdom of Sundays: Life-Changing Insights from Super Soul Conversations》

PEMA CH?DR?N:Self-improvement means that I』m going to be different than I am now. But, if the view changes instead to the belief that there』s nothing wrong here, I haven』t done anything wrong, but there are things obstructing me from fully feeling self-improved,well, then let』s just look at those things and know them completely and utterly. Let』s know our rage, let』s know our fear, let』s know our resentment. And by knowing it, listening to what you say about yourself and letting some of that negative self-talk go, you know? Then the fundamental thing is there. It』s like the sun is always shining, but there are clouds obstructing it.


PEMA CH?DR?N: A lot of people I』ve encountered, the losing the job, the failure coming in any kind of form, what it really gets to is at the core of it, you feel like you really messed up and you are fundamentally a mess-up.


OPRAH: But that』s an ego thing, isn』t it?


PEMA: That』s the crux of ego. But if you just make friends with ego rather than try to obliterate it or call it bad. And making friends with it means to know it 100 percent completely. Don』t reject it. Believe it or not, that』s how you begin to become a more egoless person. Because the only reason we do this grasping and fixating and all of this on what you call ego is because we feel we have something to protect. We don』t want to go to that place. We don』t want to feel that way. If people can hold or embrace or allow their nervous system to handle the suffering,the uncomfortableness, the insecurity.


OPRAH: The discontent.


PEMA: The discontent. Then there is a chance of letting the evolution happen.




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