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《老外怎麼看》亞運會中國隊奪冠特輯:最好的團戰 vs 最好的運營

《老外怎麼看》亞運會中國隊奪冠特輯:最好的團戰 vs 最好的運營

This is really high quality league of legends

Jesus Christ riot, give us more international tournaments please


just CN VS KR and a region called FW


LCS is not,even close to their level lol.


The Asia games makes me wish there was an LoL World Cup so bad.


Letme: gg better top wins


the quality of this game makes LCS quarterfinals look like soloq.


Is this 2018 Worlds final preview ???


best team fighting vs best macro


Royal Never ban Galio


Best Kindred in the world


Faker having to play Galio to carry his team, where have I seen this story before?


Yeahh Ruler didn"t hve much fun this game


he can appreciate his champion skin


China winning everything this year. First MSI, Now Asian Games, then Worlds? Is is time to dethrone Korea?




uzi uses ruler"s skin to destroy ruler, rofl


Ming was MVP his Gragas was so dn clean holy shit


We can call that the Ming Dynasty


So we need a player named "Qing" to shut him down? Xd


SKT Faker has renamed himself to SKT "Qing" in hopes to defeat RNG

——SKT Faker為了擊敗RNG更名為SKT Qing。

Uzi going from winning nothing to winning everything in one year lmfao


Mlxg is not even the best gragas of his team


i want to marry that game 4 gragas


Faker: gg better bot lane wins


I"m sorry that,Score. I know that the champion of Summer split is Griffin.


KR got beaten by China in every single tournament possible this year ROFL, with a bottom tier mid laner from LPL


Ruler with the 2017 Bang Worlds cosplay

——ruler 這是在cosplay S7的bang。

Over 1.000.000 viewers on Twitch holy shit


When worlds 2017 is held at CN, Korea dominates again.

When worlds 2018 is held at KR, China has won all 2-ish international events leading up to it.

oh boy...




《老外怎麼看》亞運會中國隊奪冠特輯:最好的團戰 vs 最好的運營



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