首頁 > 文史 > 歲月留痕—迪拜秋拍錢幣:洪武通寶、長命富貴花錢一組





Hongwu Tongbao, a group of long-lived riches

規格:直徑:70.6mm,重:70.8g: 直徑:70mm,重:103g

Specifications: Diameter: 70.6mm, Weight: 70.8g: Diameter: 70mm, Weight: 103g




Introduction of the collection:


洪武通寶大花錢被稱為洪武通寶背菩薩牛馬羊、洪武通寶背佛馬牛羊、洪武通寶牛馬圖、洪武三牲等,錢幣直徑:70.6mm,厚2.9mm,重:70.8g 。此錢的圖案反映了當時畜牧業的極其繁盛,以及對研究明朝馬政司有一定借鑒。此枚花錢闊緣大字,洪武通寶四字蒼勁有力,品相極 佳,包漿自然,背面鑄有馬牛羊家畜興旺圖案,展現了西部少數民族在草原放牧,馬牛羊家畜在草原吃草、休息活動的場面。祁連山下終年積雪,潺潺流水,水足草豐,廣闊草原,碧綠蕩漾。藍天白雲,菩提樹下,觀世音菩薩端坐在蓮花台上,保佑牧區大吉大利,風調雨順,國泰民安,家畜興旺。


清朝長命富貴花錢直徑:70mm,厚:4.0mm,重103g,此枚「花錢」字雙面「長命富貴」寓意吉祥,圖案清晰,紋飾精美,包漿自然,品質上乘,錢體厚重,邊緣寬闊,錢文輪廓清晰,品相保存度完好,存世量稀少,難得存世之珍稀品,具有很高的人文歷史、藝術收藏和投資價值 ,殊為難得的篆書體花錢 。長命富貴這四個字,自古以來,就是吉慶用語,也是許多人孜孜不倦追求的目標。它生動具體地表達了人們對富貴、美好生活的嚮往。而這種願望,便體現在了這枚錢幣上。該組錢幣將呈現於香港皇室貴族大型迪拜拍賣會,有興趣的藏家敬請關注!

Hongwu Tongbao spends money introduction:

Hongwu Tongbao"s big money is called Hongwutongbao back bodhisattva cattle and horses, Hongwutongbao back Buddha horse cattle and sheep, Hongwutongbao cattle horse map, Hongwu three animals, etc., coin diameter: 70.6mm, thickness 2.9mm, weight: 70.8g. The pattern of this money reflects the extremely prosperous animal husbandry at that time, as well as a certain reference for the study of the Ma Zhengsi in the Ming Dynasty. The word "Hongwu Tongbao" is vigorous and powerful, and the patina is natural. The back of the horse has a thriving pattern of horses and cattle, showing the western minorities grazing in the grasslands, and the horse cattle and sheep livestock are eating in the grasslands. Grass, resting scenes. Under the Qilian Mountain, there is snow all the year round, flowing water, water and grass, and vast grasslands. Under the blue sky and white clouds, under the Bodhi tree, Guanyin Bodhisattva sits on the lotus platform, blessing the pastoral area, the weather is good, the country is peaceful, and the livestock is booming.

Long life rich and expensive money introduction:

The Qing Dynasty long life rich and expensive money diameter: 70mm, thickness: 4.0mm, weighs 103g, this "flower money" word double-sided "long life rich" meaning auspicious, clear pattern, beautifully decorated, natural patina, high quality, money body Thick, wide edge, clear outline of money and text, good preservation of the product, rare in the world, rare rare treasures of the world, high human history, art collection and investment value, a rare book to spend money. The four words of longevity and richness have been used by Jiqing since ancient times, and they are also the goal that many people are tirelessly pursuing. It vividly and concretely expresses people"s yearning for wealth and good life. And this desire is reflected in this coin.This group of coins will be presented at the Hong Kong Royal Family Aristocratic Large Dubai Auction. Interested collectors are kindly requested to pay attention!




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