首頁 > 天下 > 轉瞬:朱利安·施納貝爾丨MAB新展



 Instant: Julian Schnabel




Time: 2018.9.8-2018.10.28 

(11:00-19:00 Tue.-Sun.)




 Venue: Modern Art Base

 (Building 2, Bridge 8, 10 Jianguo Middle Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai)



 Organiser: Modern Art Base



 Co-organiser: OstLicht. Gallery for Photography, Vienna



在即將迎來的國際盛典—影像上海藝術博覽會(PHOTOFAIRS Shanghai)之際,Modern Art Base 現代藝術基地將攜奧地利利東畫廊(OstLicht. Gallery for Photography),於2018年9月8日強勢推出知名藝術家、電影導演朱利安·施納貝爾(Julian Schnabel)的寶麗來作品展—『




 Untitled (Self-Portrait), 2008 

 ? Julian Schnabel 

 Courtesy of OstLicht. Gallery for Photography, Vienna 




 Untitled (Stella), 2010 

 ? Julian Schnabel 

 Courtesy of OstLicht. Gallery for Photography, Vienna 

國內觀眾或許更多從其電影成就認識這位藝術家,其所執導的《當黑夜降臨》(Before Night Falls, 2000)以及《潛水鐘與蝴蝶》(The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, 2007),在過去皆掄獲眾多影展大獎,也讓人更期待甫入圍今年第75屆威尼斯電影節的2018年最新作品《永恆之門》(At Eternity』s Gate),同樣也能獲得評審的青睞。



 Untitled (Lou Reed), 2002 

 ? Julian Schnabel 

 Courtesy of OstLicht. Gallery for Photography, Vienna 

此次『轉瞬:朱利安·施納貝爾』所展出的相片皆出自一台極罕見的20" × 24"風琴相機,其中有不同形象風格的自拍像,也有大量工作室的空間場照。然而,比起藝術家本人與其工作環境,施納貝爾或許更熱衷於拍攝親朋好友的肖像,其中也包括許多知名影星:威廉·達福(Willem Dafoe)、馬克斯·馮·西多(Max von Sydow),後者曾參與由施納貝爾執導的電影《潛水鐘與蝴蝶》,出演主角的父親。藝術家如瑪莉娜·阿布拉莫維奇(Marina Abramovic)、他的一對女兒羅拉(Lola)、斯黛拉(Stella),以及雙胞胎兒子奧爾莫·路易斯(Olmo Luis)與賽·胡安(Cy Juan),皆是其經常拍攝的對象。




 Untitiled (Julian, Max von Sydow, Stella and Brian Kelly), 2007 

 ? Julian Schnabel 

 Courtesy of OstLicht. Gallery for Photography, Vienna 


 Untitled (Marina Abramovi?), 2012 

 ? Julian Schnabel 

 Courtesy of OstLicht. Gallery for Photography, Vienna 

『轉瞬:朱利安·施納貝爾』(Instant: Julian Schnabel)共展出四系列共32幀寶麗來相片原件,特別是情誼系列,向觀者展現了藝術家的私人網路,親友間的親密姿態,同其他更多的相片聯合展開時間的拓樸,讓藝術家的多元面貌躍然眼前;而相片中的影像也彷佛將於轉瞬之間,衝破時間的禁錮。正如同古老的現代寓言:相片做為一種具有魔法效力的封存器皿;在作品前,我們等待的永遠是那即將開始的「下一秒」。


 Untitled (Palazzo Chupi, 7th Floor), 2008 

 ? Julian Schnabel 

 Courtesy of OstLicht. Gallery for Photography, Vienna 

Modern Art Base 現代藝術基地

作為現代傳播集團藝術平台Modern Art的詩意居所,MAB坐落在上海市中心建國中路8號橋創意園區內,與內部出版資源致力實現 "走入媒體(into the media)" 的理念,定期呈現聚焦於攝影、影像媒介的綜合性展覽。自2017年成立以來,多次邀請優秀藝術家、策展人,以及各地知名藝術機構,策劃並成功推出新作展覽,同時出版畫冊、攝影集和藝術家手制書。

 OstLicht. Gallery 利東畫廊

利東畫廊是奧地利最大的專註攝影的專業畫廊,擁有數逾15萬的收藏級照片和多套極為罕見的整組展覽原件。攝影藏品與展覽項目廣泛涵蓋了攝影史上最卓越的創造成果——從19、20世紀的原版傑作到最具標誌性的藝術攝影作品和紀實攝影經典,直至當代先鋒攝影佳作。畫廊由攝影家、收藏家皮特·科埃先生創建,坐落於維也納新興文化中心,擁有500平方米的展示空間,曾為包括荒木經惟(Nobuyoshi Araki)、任航(Ren Hang)、大衛·拉切貝爾(David LaChapelle)、于爾根·泰勒(Juergen Teller)在內的知名藝術家呈現個人展覽、大型回顧展及主題群展。利東畫廊同時獨家代理一系列當代攝影新星及知名青年藝術家。


Modern Art Base

周樂     zhoule@modernmedia.com.cn

賴駿傑 laijunjie@modernmedia.com.cn



阮海蓉 ruan@ostlicht.at

For English Audience


Instant: Julian Schnabel


Modern Art Base (MAB) is delighted to announce the launch of our upcoming exhibition 「Instant: Julian Schnabel」 on September 8th, 2018. Collaborated with OstLicht. Gallery for Photography, Vienna, the exhibition presents a series of large-format Polaroid works created by the internationally acclaimed painter, sculptor and filmmaker Julian Schnabel, who has achieved great reputation by award-winning movies such as Before Night Falls (2008), The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (2007), as well as his latest film At Eternity』s Gate (2018), which was selected to be screened in the main competition section of the 75th Venice International Film Festival. The show will run through September to the end of October, coinciding with the 2018 PHOTOFAIRS | Shanghai – one of the city』s most anticipated cultural events of the year.


The works exhibited in the show were all created with a rare twenty by twenty-four inch Polaroid Land camera made in the 1970s, including the artist』s self-portraits in various styles and views of his studios and private rooms. Many of the works brought together for this show are portraits of Julian Schnabel』s family and friends. There are charismatic portraits of movie stars such as Willem Dafoe and Max von Sydow (the latter also starred in the role of the protagonist』s father in Schnabel』s film The Diving Bell and the Butterfly), artists like Marina Abramovic, the artist』s daughters Lola and Stella and his twin sons Olmo Luis and Cy Juan. Schnabel took his first Polaroid picture in 2002 with the twenty by twenty-four inch handmade camera. Only six of these cameras are still known to exist. Because of its massive construction, its slow lens and the necessity to use powerful flash units, it was originally conceived for studio shoots, but the bulkiness of this apparatus leaves Schnabel unaffected. He resists its predetermined handling and operates this giant machine in various spaces, even outdoors.


「Instant: Julian Schnabel」 showcases 32 Polaroid works of the artist and will be presented in four parts. The exhibition specially assembles a comprehensive series about his family and friends and the intimacy among them. This, together with other works, unfolds a topology along timeline – offering a vivid representation of the artist in diverse facets. The images in photographs seem to break through the restriction of time, instantly. As a modern embodiment of the time-honored imagery art, Photography is a magic sealing utensil. When facing the photographs, what we wait for is always the 「next second」 that is about to happen.



About the artist


Julian Schnabel was born in New York City in 1951. He is an American painter, sculptor and filmmaker. Schnabel currently lives and works in New York City and Montauk, Long Island. He uses diverse materials and bases his creation on contingency to challenge and change the traditions of painting, and to direct the younger artists into a new vision. His 「plate painting」 received international attention, and his other practices, like sculpture, photography and film, as well gained him an international acclaim. His movie The Diving Bell and the Butterfly was nominated for four Academy Awards. His work is included in the public collections of the Museum of Modern Art, New York; Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; Guggenheim Museum, New York and Bilbao; Tate Modern, London; San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco; Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin; Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris.


About Modern Art Base

Modern Space is the poetry and spiritual space of Modern Media group. It locates at Bridge 8 Cultural complex in downtown Shanghai, aiming to practice the idea of 「into the media」 with inner press resources. MAB regularly presents comprehensive exhibitions, focusing on photography and media art. Since 2017, MAB has presented newly commissioned projects with artists, curators and institutes, and publishes catalogues, photobooks and artist』s books.


About OstLicht. Gallery for Photography

OstLicht Gallery has established itself as the leading Austrian gallery dealing exclusively with photography.  Its extensive holdings with more than 150,000 prints on diverse themes and its exhibition programme covers a broad range of the finest creations in the history of the medium: from vintage masterworks of the 19th and 20th century, iconic fine art photographs and classics of photojournalism to Viennese Actionism of the 1960s and cutting edge contemporary artists. The gallery was founded by photographer and collector Peter Coeln. Located in one of Vienna"s upcoming cultural hubs, OstLicht』s 500 m2 space has housed comprehensive retrospectives, solo-exhibitions and conceptual group shows by the likes of Nobuyoshi Araki, Ren Hang, David LaChapelle and Juergen Teller. OstLicht Gallery exclusively represents a range of contemporary shooting stars and emerging photographers.




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