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聚信資訊 大清銀幣宣統三年壹圓 意尋有緣大收藏家

深圳聚信藝術品有限公司有幸徵集到了一枚大清銀幣宣統三年壹圓,圖文深邃,紋飾精美,圖案考究,十分美觀。錢幣正面珠圈內刻漢字「大清銀幣」四字,珠圈外上端為滿文,下緣為漢字「宣統三年」字樣,左右兩旁分列長枝菊花紋飾,花開燦爛,十分漂亮。錢幣背面中間為漢字「壹圓」二字,下緣是英文幣值「ONE DOLLAR」。其設計新穎,製作精良,圖案精美細膩,品相俱佳,且版本稀少,極為罕見,十分珍稀,極具收藏價值!蟠龍沿邊緣自左向右騰雲而起,環繞一周,七根尾須向上,龍頭置上,兩根長須彎曲下垂,龍珠在「」字下方,龍鱗有序,龍紋精細,龍眼凹突,炯炯有神,鼻樑俏上,霸氣外漏,十分威武。定睛一看,猶如一幅神龍翱翔天際的油畫,十分震撼,讓人叫絕。

Shenzhen Juxin Art Co., Ltd. had the privilege of collecting a large clear silver coin for three years of Xuantong. The picture is deep, the ornamentation is exquisite, the pattern is exquisite, and it is very beautiful. The front of the coin is engraved with the Chinese character "Da Qing Yin Coin". The upper end of the bead ring is Manchu, and the lower edge is the Chinese character "Xuan Tong three years". The left and right sides are lined with long-flowered chrysanthemums. The flowers are splendid and beautiful. In the middle of the back of the coin is the Chinese character "壹圓", the lower edge is the English currency value "ONE DOLLAR". Its design is novel, the production is exquisite, the pattern is exquisite and exquisite, the appearance is excellent, and the version is rare, extremely rare, very rare, very collectible! The dragon grows from the left to the right along the edge, surrounded by a week, seven tails Up, the faucet is placed, the two long beards are bent and drooping, the dragon ball is under the word "circle", the dragon scales are orderly, the dragon pattern is fine, the longan is concave, the scorpion is stunned, the nose is pretty, the domineering is leaking, it is very powerful. Looking at it with a fixed eye, it is like a painting of the dragon flying in the sky. It is very shocking and amazing.



The three-year-old Qingyin coin of Xuantong was the product of the reform of the currency system in the late Qing Dynasty. The edition was multi-style, novel in design and well-made. It was a collection of coins lovers. The three-year-old silver coins of Xuantong have different layouts, of which the long-tailed dragon, the short-tailed dragon and the big-tailed dragon are rare. Now I will introduce it later, for the best appreciation.


Although the casting of Daqing Silver Coin experienced a lot of difficulties, many versions of the Daqing Silver Coin were designed. Some castings were small. Finally, the three-year-old silver coin "Qu Xu Long" was cast in circulation. In addition to Xuantong』s three-year-old silver coin 「Qu Xu Long」, Xuantong』s three-year-old silver coins include 「Long Bear」, 「Short Dragon」, 「Daiwei Long」 and 「Anti-Dragon」, but this edition It did not become the final national currency, only a small amount of sample coins were issued.

因此,宣統三年大清銀幣「長須龍」「短須龍」「反龍」「大尾龍」等的存世量很少,特別是「短須龍」最少,因此其收藏價格也格外受關注。 收藏市場的價格一般由供求量決定的,尤其是對於存世較少,又賦有一定的歷史的銀幣,更是受到熱捧。

Therefore, Xuantong』s three-year-old silver coins 「Chang Xu Long」, 「Short Dragon」, 「Anti-Dragon」 and 「Daitail Dragon」 have very few deposits, especially the 「short-tailed dragons」, so their collection prices are also particularly affected. attention. The price of the collection market is generally determined by the amount of supply and demand, especially for silver coins that have a small history and a certain history.

大清宣三的風格在龍洋系列中獨樹一幟,因其版本眾多,美觀而有氣勢,受到眾多收藏家的青睞清政府於宣統二年(1910年)責令度支部擬定《國幣 則例》,《則例》規定從宣統三年起開鑄的銀元取消省名,統一冠以年號,以元為單位。其幣正面「大清銀幣」四字,背面蟠龍。共有「長須龍」「短須龍」「反S 龍」「大尾龍」「曲須龍」數種版別,實際鑄造參與流通的僅「曲須龍」一種。

The style of Daqing Xuan San is unique in the Longyang series. Because of its many versions, it is beautiful and powerful. It has been favored by many collectors. The Qing government in the second year of Xuantong (1910) ordered the branch to draft the "Guide of the National Currency". The "Procedures" stipulates that the silver dollar that was opened from the three years of Xuantong cancels the name of the province, and the unified number is the unit of the year. The coin has a four-character "big silver coin" on the front and a dragon on the back. There are several types of "Long Xu Long", "Short Dragon", "Anti S Dragon", "Daitail Dragon" and "Qu Xu Long".



Nowadays, the Daqing Silver Coin is the silver coin in the silver coins of the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China. It is the tool that the major Tibetans in the market are vying for. The silver coins are a large collection of mechanistic coins. They have always been the focus of many collectors. In addition, the silver coins have a strange charm, which is worthy of the collectors. Since these coins are not regenerated, and the amount of living is extremely rare, the value of the collection cannot be estimated. For the vast collectors, the silver coins of the Qing Dynasty were a good collection. Due to the special pattern of silver coins, it has a strong sense of the times and is very popular in the collection market.


With the boom in the coin-operated shopping malls, there is now a new silver coin in the mall. It is understood that the ancient coins have always been the hottest collections in the preservation store. The three-year-old silver coins of Xuantong have different layouts, among which the big clear silver coins long-haired dragons, the big clear silver coins short-short dragons, and the big clear silver coins big-tailed dragons are rare. It is also valuable for preservation and capital contribution.


Just this year, our company is Shenzhen Juxin Co., Ltd., which sold a Xuantong three-year-old silver coin Daweilong. A Singaporean coin collector bought it at a price of 8.5 million. Then he set off a silver coin.


Coins have always been a popular collection in the collection market. Although historically, many ancient coins have already lost their original circulation functions, but they have more archaeological value, artistic value, appreciation value, collection value, etc. A variety of new features.



Ancient coins have always been a popular collection in the collection market. Although historically, many ancient coins have lost their original circulation functions, but they have more archaeological value, artistic value, appreciation value and collection value. After a certain period of evolution, the number of coin lovers and coin collectors has also developed to a certain extent. It is these people』s favorite, sought after or hype, and the hot wave of ancient coins collection is always one. Waves followed us to a wave, and now there is a collection of large clear silver coins in the market. Among them, the more attention is about the three-year-old silver coins in Xuantong. The three-year-old Qingyin Coin of Xuantong was the product of the reform of the currency system in the late Qing Dynasty. Its design is novel and well-made, and it is a treasure collection of coin lovers. It is understood that Xuantong has three different types of silver coins in the Qing Dynasty. Among them, the long clear silver coins, the long-tailed dragons, the Daqing silver coins, the short-tailed dragons, and the Daqing silver coins, the big-tailed dragons are rare, and they are also the most collectible and investment value.




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