首頁 > 新聞 > 科學家發現寨卡病毒減毒活疫苗可用於治療惡性腦瘤


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膠質母細胞瘤是人類腫瘤中惡性程度最高的腫瘤之一,患者平均生存期只有14個月左右,常規的治療後患者複發率幾乎達到100%。近日,軍事醫學研究院秦成峰研究員與國家生物醫學分析中心滿江紅研究員、美國德克薩斯大學史佩勇教授聯合攻關等聯合攻關,成功將寨卡病毒疫苗株開發為新型溶瘤病毒,為膠質母細胞瘤的臨床治療開闢了新的方向。相關研究以Treatment of Human Glioblastoma with a Live Attenuated Zika VirusVaccine Candidate」為題於2018年9月18日在線發表於美國微生物學會權威期刊mBio上。






FIG1 Characterization of the safety profile of ZIKV-LAV upon intracerebral administration in mice


FIG2 ZIKV-LAV preferentially infects and kills GSCs and impairs tumorsphere formation


FIG 3 ZIKV-LAV inhibited GSC tumor growth and prolonged animal survival

FIG 4 ZIKV-LAV has tumoricidal activity in glioblastoma bulk cells.FIG4 ZIKV-LAV preferentially infects and kills GSCs and impairs tumorsphere formation


FIG 5 Relative expression of DEGs from the cell cycle, p53 signaling, apoptosis, and PI3K-Akt signaling pathways in ZIKV-infected GSCs.

FIG 6 Specific cytokine responses in ZIKV-infected GSCs.

結 語




Glioblastoma (GBM) is the deadliest type of brain tumor, and glioma stem cells (GSCs) contribute totumor recurrence and therapeutic resistance. Thus, an oncolytic virus targeting GSCs may be useful for improving GBM treatment. Because Zika virus (ZIKV) hasan oncolytic tropism for infecting GSCs, we investigated the safety and efficacy of a live attenuated ZIKV vaccine candidate (ZIKV-LAV) for the treatment of human GBM in a GSC-derived orthotopic model. Intracere bralinjection of ZIKV-LAV into mice caused no neurological symptoms or behavioral abnormalities. The neurovirulence of ZIKV-LAV was more attenuated than that of the licensed Japanese encephalitis virus LAV 14-14-2, underlining the superior safety of ZIKV-LAV for potential GBM treatment. Importantly, ZIKV-LAV significantly reduced intracerebral tumor growth and prolonged animal survivalby selectively killing GSCs within the tumor. Mechanistically, ZIKV infection elicited antiviral immunity, inflammation, and GSC apoptosis. Together, these results further support the clinical development of ZIKV-LAV for GBM therapy.

IMPORTANCEGlioblastoma (GBM), the deadliest type of brain tumor, is currently incurable because of its high recurrence rate after traditional treatments, including surgery to remove the main part of the tumor and radiation and chemo therapy to target residual tumor cells. These treatments fail mainly due to the presence of a cell subpopulation called glioma stem cells (GSCs), which are resistant to radiation and chemo therapy and capable of self-renewal and tumorigenicity. Because Zika virus (ZIKV) has an oncolytic tropism for infecting GSCs, we tested a live attenuated ZIKV vaccine candidate (ZIKV-LAV) for the treatment of human GBM in a human GSC-derived orthotopic model. Our results showed that ZIKV-LAV retained good efficacy against glioblastoma by selectively killing GSCs within the tumor. In addition, ZIKV-LAV exhibited an excellent safety profile upon intracerebralin jection into the treated animals. The good balance between the safety of ZIKV-LAV and its efficacy against human GSCs suggests that it is a potential candidate for combination with the current treatment regimen for GBM therapy.


1. Qi Chen, Jin Wu,Qing Ye, Feng Ma, Qian Zhu, Yan Wu, Chao Shan, Xuping Xie, Dapei Li, XiaoyanZhan, Chunfeng Li, Xiao-Feng Li, Xiaoling Qin, Tongyang Zhao, Haitao Wu,Pei-Yong Shi, Jianghong Man, Cheng-Feng Qin. Treatment of Human Glioblastomawith a Live Attenuated Zika Virus Vaccine Candidate.



2. China Daily:Zikavaccine shows promise for treating deadly brain cancer寨卡疫苗有望治療致命腦癌


3. Virologica中國病毒學英文版:秦成峰/滿江紅/史佩勇合作組發現寨卡減毒活疫苗可治療惡性腦瘤 | mBio




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