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論文標題:Loss of males from mixed-sex societies in termites

期刊:BMC Biology

作者:Toshihisa Yashiro, Nathan LoView ORCID ID profile, Kazuya Kobayashi, Tomonari NozakiTaro FuchikawaView ORCID ID profile, Nobuaki MizumotoView ORCID ID profile, Yusuke Namba and Kenji MatsuuraView ORCID ID profile



最近發表在BMC Biology上的研究表明,一種樹白蟻Glyptotermes nakajimai的群體可以在沒有雄性的情況下建立起成功的、可以繁衍的蟻窩。




作者們在日本偏遠沿海地區發現了沒有任何雄性的G. nakajimai種群。他們將這些地區37個蟻窩中個體的形態與日本其他地區發現的37個雌雄混合的蟻窩中的個體進行了比較。全雌蟻窩中的蟻后受精囊(一種雌性在交配後用來儲存精子的器官)是空的,而雌雄混合蟻窩中的蟻后都儲存了足夠多的精子。全雌蟻窩中的卵亦都為未受精卵。





Sexual reproduction is the norm in almost all animal species, and in many advanced animal societies, both males and females participate in social activities. To date, the complete loss of males from advanced social animal lineages has been reported only in ants and honey bees (Hymenoptera), whose workers are always female and whose males display no helping behaviors even in normal sexual species. Asexuality has not previously been observed in colonies of another major group of social insects, the termites, where the ubiquitous presence of both male and female workers and soldiers indicate that males play a critical role beyond that of reproduction.


Here, we report asexual societies in a lineage of the termite Glyptotermes nakajimai. We investigated the composition of mature colonies from ten distinct populations in Japan, finding six asexual populations characterized by a lack of any males in the reproductive, soldier, and worker castes of their colonies, an absence of sperm in the spermathecae of their queens, and the development of unfertilized eggs at a level comparable to that for the development of fertilized eggs in sexual populations of this species. Phylogenetic analyses indicated a single evolutionary origin of the asexual populations, with divergence from sampled sexual populations occurring about 14 million years ago. Asexual colonies differ from sexual colonies in having a more uniform head size in their all-female soldier caste, and fewer soldiers in proportion to other individuals, suggesting increased defensive efficiencies arising from uniform soldier morphology. Such efficiencies may have contributed to the persistence and spread of the asexual lineage. Cooperative colony foundation by multiple queens, the single-site nesting life history common to both the asexual and sexual lineages, and the occasional development of eggs without fertilization even in the sexual lineage are traits likely to have been present in the ancestors of the asexual lineage that may have facilitated the transition to asexuality.


Our findings demonstrate that completely asexual social lineages can evolve from mixed-sex termite societies, providing evidence that males are dispensable for the maintenance of advanced animal societies in which they previously played an active social role.

期刊介紹:BMC Biology(https://bmcbiol.biomedcentral.com/) is an open access journal publishing outstanding research in all areas of biology, with a publication policy that combines selection for broad interest and importance with a commitment to serving authors well.

2017 Journal Metrics

Citation Impact

5.770 - 2-year Impact Factor

7.556 - 5-year Impact Factor

1.377 - Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP)

3.425 - SCImago Journal Rank (SJR)

來源:BMC Biology



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