首頁 > 遊戲 > 《魔獸世界》8.1測試服挖掘:泰蘭德任務線人物對話文案翻譯預覽



The Alliance cannot spare troops to help the Night Elves in Darkshore:

...And what of the countless dead? Of the families that will never be whole again?

The kaldorei have been loyal to the Alliance. Are we now left to fend for ourselves?

I"m sorry, Tyrande, but with the war efforts in both Arathi and Zandalar, the Alliance can"t afford to commit any forces to Darkshore.

And I promise you that we will reclaim it before the war is over.

Need I remind you that the kaldorei are part of the Alliance? Every moment that the Horde occupies our home is a twist of the knife.

I have lived for over ten thousand years, Kind Anduin. I have seen enough of war to know that it is never truly over.

Tyrande, wait...

I am done waiting. I will purge the Horde from Darkshore... with or without the Alliance.

Tyrande left for Darkshore ahead of our army. She intends to wrest it from the Horde herself.











You said nothing, Genn. What more could I have done?

The night elves saved my people from our curse--gave us refuge in Darnassus.

Countless gilneans died when it fell, boy. I nearly lost Mia.

Some goblin ingenuity, and a lot of explosives, we could take this ship down!

I won"t let them endure the same fate we have--the worgen will fight by their side.






We learn that Tyrande seeks to invoke the ritual of the Night Warrior:

That tome...could be it be?

The Night Warrior.

She intends to invoke the ancient rites...

The ritual will kill her! We depart for Darkshore immediately.

Prepare yourself for battle. We will not leave without Tyrande.







The bravery, and sacrifice, of people like Blademaster Telaamon will not be forgotten by the Alliance.

I"d heard stories of this artifact when I was a child.

I feel better knowing this cannot be used against my people. Thank you for returning it to us.

Victory is ours this night.

Elune heard our prayers. She gave us the power to save ourselves.

The Horde invaded our forests and burned our homes. They thought they could kill our hope.

They were wrong. Our hope resides not in the trees, but in our bonds to each other!

Tor ilisar"thera"nal!

"像Blademaster Telaamon這樣勇敢,有奉獻精神的人不會被聯盟忘記的.







Tor ilisar"thera"nal!"

Teldrassil burned because I chose to spare Saurfang"s life.

And the only life Tyrande wishes to risk is her own.

Elune watch over her. She may well need it.

Shandris, Sira, $p, with me. There is little time.

We will not leave Tyrande on her own behind enemy lines. Move!






We learn from Maiev why this is a dangerous ritual:

What ritual do you speak of, Maiev? Who is the Night Warrior?

She is the incarnation of Elune"s wrath. Even witnessing the ritual to become her would put our lives at risk.

Shall we?

Place the items here. We will draw forth their power.

Elune... was she watching over us as Teldrassil burned?We must not lose faith in the goddess. That is just what the Horde wants.

Sira, you scout the shoreline while the rest of us head inland. We will find Tyrande and meet you at Lor"danel.

Maiev. You said the ritual risks Tyrande"s life. How?

Legend says that long ago, Elune bestowed her fury upon our greatest warriors to secure Kalimdor.

None who have attempted the ritual since then have survived. Elune"s raw power tears them apart.











The Forsaken are raising the Night Elves:

Ah, but you"re just in time! The Banshee Queen has a keen interest in your heads, night elves.

Death is cold... even for those who burn.

Was it all for nothing?

Elune... why...?

Do you hear that? Survivors!

My people... are dead.

Sister, are you alright?

It is... not as I expected. Colder...










Tyrande begins the ritual:

Ready yourselves, sentinels! The High Priestess requires our aid!

Ash"alah! Where is Tyrande?

She has cast everything aside. Only the final rite at the Well of Purity remains.

Come, $p. Ash"alah can bear both of us easily.

Elune! Your people loved you! Yet you watched, distant and aloof, as they died in torment!

I served you for millennia. But tonight, I do not come as a maiden, mother, or even priestess.

Now, I will serve you only if you grant me justice!

With ancient words, I invoke your most ruthless phase.

With this offering, I demand to wear your darkest face.

In"a shul daElune!

Kul erath shul,

Kul erath sin.

Ash rohk ilisar!

Anu"dorini ash"ka!

Elune! Make me the instrument of your vengeance!

Now, we shall have justice. The Night Warrior lives... within me.

We will kill them all.

Shadowsong. Feathermoon. Take our forces. Prepare for war.











In"a shul daElune!

Kul erath shul,

Kul erath sin.

Ash rohk ilisar!

Anu"dorini ash"ka!





Tyrande with her new powers confronts Nathanos. While he appears cocky at first, the dialogue reveals that he lives only due to the sacrifice of a val"kyr.

How uncouth, your majesty. Who taught you your manners?

I am no queen. I am the kaldorei"s vengeance.

How would you like to end up like your friend Sira here? Or perhaps Delaryn just over there?

No more! Any last words, your majesty?

We do not stand alone. Now!








Lor"danel... nothing remains...

Their numbers are strong. Good. The more we kill here, the fewer to fight in future battles.

There, on the landing... that must be Nathanos"s tent. Get closer.

Now... destroy him.





I hear that Tyrande has some new tricks up her sleeve. None of it will matter when we reclaim Darkshore.

The Night Warrior and the forces of the Alliance will vanquish your despicable Horde, Blightcaller!

What were you saying about stopping us? We are right at your shore, with a lovely view of your tree. Such as it is.

Our resolve is greater than you can imagine. You may destroy our home, but you will never destroy our hope.

If you know so much about me, captain, then you would have been wise to run while you could.

Tyrande"s ship. Or at least what is left of it.

The Horde"s minions thinks they can attack us here? Hmph, the fools. Show them the error of their ways!

She destroyed it so that she would not be followed.









No. Our forces gather. We will settle this another day.

What happened?

Blightcaller yet lives, but at the cost of one of his queen"s val"kyr.






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