首頁 > 文學 > 漢詩英譯|于堅:一棵樹在高原上發光




Translated by Joan Xie and Sam Perkins

originally from Thirteen Leaves


Yu Jian於 堅

于堅,男,生於雲南昆明,祖籍四川資陽。20 歲開始寫作,持續近四十年。1986 年與同仁共同創辦地下文學刊物《他們》。著有詩集、文集 40 余種、攝影集一種,紀錄片四部。曾獲台灣《聯合報》14 屆新詩獎、台灣《創世紀》詩雜誌四十年詩歌獎、魯迅文學獎、朱自清散文獎、百花散文獎、第 15 屆華語文學傳媒大獎年度傑出作家獎。紀錄片《碧色車站》入圍阿姆斯特丹國際紀錄片銀狼獎單元 (2004)。英語版詩集《便條集》入圍美國BTBA最佳圖書翻譯獎(2011)及美國北卡羅納州文學獎(2012),法語版長詩《小鎮》入圍 2016 年法國「發現者」詩歌獎,德語版詩選集《0 檔案》獲德國亞非拉文學作品推廣協會主辦的「感受世界」亞非拉優秀文學作品評選第一名。攝影作品曾獲美國國家地理雜誌全球攝影大賽華夏典藏金框獎。雲南師範大學文學院教授。

Poet, essayist, photographer and documentary film maker, Yu Jian was born in Kunming, Yunnan province in 1954, where he continues to live. In more than four decades, he has published over forty collections of poetry, photography and essays. In 1986, he and his colleagues started an underground literary magazine, They. His numerous literary awards include the Taiwan "United Daily News" 14th New Poetry Prize, Lu Xun Literature Award, the Zhu Ziqing Prose Award and The 15th Chinese Literature Media Awards Annual Outstanding Writer Award. His documentary film "Green Station" was nominated for Amsterdam International Documentary Silver Wolf Award (2004). The English version of his collection, Flash Cards was nominated for the Best Book Translation Award (2011) in the United States. The German version of his collection of poetry, File Zero, won the German Association for the Promotion of Asian, African and Latin American Literature』s 「World Experiences」 Prize. His photographic work won the National Geographic Magazine Global Photography Competition Huaxia Gold Medal. He is currently a literature professor at Yunnan Normal University College of Arts in Kunming.


A Tree Glows on the Plateau






Kitchen Wizard


A Tree


To a Hare


A Thuja Tree on the High Plateau


High Plateau

A Tree Glows on the Plateau

A tree glows on the plateau,

Waiting. It』snever been loved,

Never been chanted on the lips of an ancient song.



等待著 它從未被愛過



The corn brightens, flocks of goats are more animated.

The pomegranate orchard begins to dim, and the barn is open.

Oak wine barrels flash brilliant light. The sky, high and blue.

A horse wagon heads to the field, grasshoppers fly.

The river recedes, stones appear in the abyss.

Leaves, hand in hand, fall back to earth.

Everything gushes toward the finishing line.

If you are still on the road, you too must join.

If you have no sickle, borrow one from the setting sun.

If you have no hair, the wind will grab your skull.

Anyone can harvest. Anyone will win food or sadness,

or death. This is autumn, vast and merciful autumn,

God has pardoned those who have none.

赦 免

玉米亮了 羊群更活躍

石榴園初顯黯淡 穀倉敞開大門

橡木酒桶閃著光輝 天空高藍

馬車昂首跑向田野 螞蚱在飛

河流退去 石頭出現在深淵

落葉滾滾 手拉手走回大地

一切都朝終點涌去 如果你還在路上

你也要加入 如果你還沒有鐮刀

你去向落日討一把 如果你還沒有頭髮

風會抓住你的頭頂 無論誰都可以收割

無論誰都會收穫 收穫糧食 收穫憂傷

收穫死亡 這是秋天 盛大慈悲的秋天



I miss your blue sky your moon

your pond, frogs croaking in the field

rivers, mountains and snow

your old ox on the plain and narrow paths.

I miss your hoes, those gown-wearing shadows

in the twilight, those dark nights, and lamps

bridges, courtyards, plum springs and quiet autumns.

I miss your stones and willows at the backyard

those simple women staring up the sky

under the painted beams.

I miss your grandmas and temples

noble monks sitting by the stream.

I miss your horse, hero and sword

great farmers and happy craftsmen.

I miss your wine, pen and ink, your rulers.

Now at nightfall, on the platform of high-speed train station

passing a check point to the future

I drag my empty suitcase and a sad heart

while missing your ghosts.

祖 國

我懷念你的青天 你的明月

我懷念你的池塘 你田野上的蛙鳴

懷念你的大江 你的群山你的白雪

你平原上的老牛和小路 懷念你的鋤頭


我懷念你黑暗的夜 你的燈







我懷念你的駿馬和英雄 懷念你的寶劍


我懷念你的酒 你的筆墨 你的尺規

在這傍晚的高鐵車站 未來在檢票



Kitchen Wizard

Turn on a big burner. In the black pot, I put in all the ingredients.

I pour in cement, used oil, eggs, chili pepper, cinder,

tofu, vegetables, ground pork, a little bit of mustard and calcium,

salt, sugar, never forgetting pepper. I also add plastic sheets,

laundry powder, venison, shark fin, swan, dolphin, notebook.

I tear off red stork"s legs, throw its heart and eyes into it,

add potato, milk, hard disc, insole, silicone and glass.

I stir, flip, taste. My tongue is burned a bit.

I pour in dishwasher, tomato sauce, peanut butter oil, rice wine,

turn the low flame to high. When the fire makes the stove glow,

a haze envelopes everything, I fasten on a gas mask,

bring it all to the boil. The flame rises, a special aroma.

Like a primitive man, I destroy order, rearrange chaos,

reverse black and white, confuse yin and yang.

Cuisine in evolution.

Mr. Darwin will love this dinner.


我開大火焰 在黑乎乎的鍋子里放入材料

倒進水泥 地溝油 雞蛋 辣椒 煤渣

豆腐 還有青菜 肉糜 少許芥末和鈣片

鹽巴 糖 不能少了胡椒 我加入塑料片

洗衣粉 鹿肉 魚翅 天鵝 海豚 筆記本

我拔掉朱鸛的腿 將它的心臟和眼珠扔進去

加入土豆 牛奶 硬碟 鞋墊 硅膠和玻璃

我攪拌 翻動 嘗嘗鹽味 舌頭被燙了一下

我倒進洗滌液 番茄 花生醬和黃酒

我撥小火苗再開大 當火光照亮灶台

霧霾籠罩萬物 我系好防毒面具

顛鍋 當焰火升起 我聞見異香撲鼻

我像原始人那樣破壞秩序 重組混沌

顛倒黑白 混淆陰陽 食物在進化


A Tree

He』s that guy who leans the bike against the wall

and bends over to lock it. Oh, What a poor memory!

He forgets to take the bike lock. The guy

who is tanned very dark. No, not black, just

a guy who crosses the zebra lines with a dripping

umbrella, a guy who buys steam buns, and again tomorrow.

Bus, please be slow. He』s that guy wearing socks full of holes,

the one who waits for a discount outside the shop window,

and falls asleep in the hospital corridor. Careful!

Don』t step on his shoe laces. He』s that guy who buys

A batteries in the supermarket, who likes dolphins

and looks at neon lights from the fifth-floor window.

He』s that guy who is always afraid of elevators, a bit dizzy

when he steps out of one. He』s the red-face one

when he asks for condoms in the pharmacy … one box.

He』s that guy who wears a black jacket, broken zippers,

picking up his kids at the school entrance,

the one who stands at the bus station late into the night, alone,

waiting for the last bus. He』s the one who doesn』t voice opinions,

just swims in the ocean current, following waves.

He』s that guy who loves fish and pepper, cruel sun

and humble details.

He』s the one who sometimes stands under the highway overpass,

suffering from an incurable disease.

Tossing his cigarette,

he looks up and finds stars tonight. He』s that guy

who thinks of Su Shi"s poems. Gone my little boat.

Exiled my remaining days in rivers and ocean.

He is the guy.

He is not a common guy.

He is planting a tree.



彎腰上鎖的傢伙 嗨 瞧他這記性

又忘了拿保溫盒 他就是那個被太陽

曬得很黑的傢伙 他不是黑人 他就是

那個提著滴水的雨傘 穿過斑馬線去

買饅頭的傢伙 明天還要買的傢伙 汽車

您慢點兒 他就是那個襪子通洞的傢伙

那個站在櫥窗外等著降價的傢伙 那個

醫院走廊上睡著了的傢伙 小心點

別踩到他的鞋帶 那個在超級市場挑選

五號電池的傢伙 那個喜歡海豚的傢伙

在五樓的窗口看霓虹燈的傢伙 那個

害怕電梯的傢伙 伸腳出去的時候總是

有點頭暈 他就是那個在藥店紅著臉

支支吾吾 要買避孕套的傢伙 ……一

盒 那個穿黑夾克的傢伙 總是關不上

拉鏈 那個在學校門口接娃娃的傢伙


末班車的傢伙 那個沒有發言的傢伙

跟著波浪遊在重複的大海里 他就是

那個愛吃魚和胡椒的傢伙 殘酷的太陽

卑微的細節 有時候站在高架橋的水泥柱下

患著莫名其妙的病 扔掉煙頭 抬頭髮現

今夜只有星星 想起蘇軾的詩篇 小舟從此

逝 江海度餘生 他就是那個傢伙 他不是

小人物 他種著一棵樹

To a Hare

How many timeshave I seen this hare? Ash gray,

standing on Route74, under a sign to Kunming.

The tangledbushes, always the same height, never seem to grow,

provide shelterfor dwarfs. The hare also never seems to grow,

still lively,flexible neck, short curled legs,

some weeds on itslong beard, two bright bewitched eyes.

Hey, look at me,so many autumns passed, I am older and shorter.

Can you see? Evenbefore, I never thought to mistreat you.

Be calm, we canlive together. You play yours. I play mine.

Don"t panic, orhurry to escape. Hey, you little cursedone,

who told you thatmy appearance will only mess up everything?

Again I go deepinto the woods, borrowing this spot

to nap for amoment.

Of course, if Iwant to sleep, I may also sleep forever, so quiet here...


不記得是第幾次看到這隻野兔 土灰色的

站在 74 號公路 指示著昆陽鎮的牌子下面

灌木叢似乎從未成長 還是那麼高 那麼戳

為侏儒提供著掩體 它也沒怎麼長

還是那隻活潑潑的兔子 脖子靈動 縮著短腿

長鬍子上有些草屑 兩隻巫婆眼剛剛點燃

唉 看看我 這麼多秋天 老啦 矮啦 你瞅見不?

就是當年我也從未想把你怎麼著 倒想你鎮靜些

我們可以共處 你玩你的 我玩我的

別總是那麼驚慌失措 著急著逃掉 該死的


我再次去了深處 僅藉此地 小寐片刻

當然 要睡的話也可長眠 這樣安靜……

A Thuja Tree on the High Plateau

A thuja tree stands on the high plateau

between Nu River and Gaoligong Mountain.

Its surface changes to golden yellow in the twilight,

as if putting on a dragon robe. It stands still

in the sunset until dark, until you can』t make out

what it is. Swaying like the surrounding trees,

rearranging itself to maintain all dignity in the darkness.

It won』t lose its dignity. It always stands under the sign of Leo.

The light is changing. Stars will come.





就像剛剛被龍袍加身 它一動不動

在落日中 直到輝煌朦朧 直到看不出

是一棵側柏 隨風搖曳著 就像周邊的

其他樹 整理著自己 以備在黑暗裡

不失去品質 它不會失去 它一直站在獅子座下

是光在變化 星光將要來到它的頂上

High Plateau

Given birth, now the beast of autumn lies flat on the earth,

round breasts, misty wetland around its navel.

Desire is fulfilled while a muddy river stops flowing.

Generation after generation, the forest grows

but falls to its death at the right time.

A farmer in the future will no longer have hands to control the flood.

He will rest on a hoe in the wasteland, overlook Cang Mountain,

for a while. Having a heart as a creator, he will sow potatoes.

高 原

生殖完成 秋天的母獸俯卧在大地上

乳峰渾圓 肚臍間的濕地模糊


森林一代又一代地生長 時間一到就倒地死去


杵著鋤頭在荒地間稍息 眺望蒼山

他有造物之心 他將要播種土豆




為進一步繁榮新時代詩歌,推動漢語詩歌走向世界,激勵本土詩人們創作出具有世界影響力的優秀作品,中國詩歌網與美國華盛頓PATHSHARERS BOOKS(出版有季刊21st Century Chinese Poetry)合作開展漢詩英譯活動。《詩刊》每期刊登的詩作及中國詩歌網「每日好詩」中的佳作,將有機會被譯成英語,刊於21st Century Chinese Poetry,並在中國詩歌網做專題展示。







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