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應該與同事成為朋友還是對手?Should be friends or adversaries with colleagues?




Question: What kind of relationship should I keep with my colleagues? Friends, competitors or mutual advantages? Should I communicate with them honestly or be wary and jealous of each other? What should I do if my colleagues snitch on me?

Guru answers: In 『Thirty Advices』: Don』t be hatred or too close when get along with others, being steady and self-dependent, which are my advices. The colleagues should be harmonious and steady with each other. The so-called 『harmony』 means making good relationship with each other, learning how to think in other』s shoes, and making good wishes and doing good things for others. The so-called 『steady』 means keeping distance between each other, neither too far nor too close. Keeping this rule is ok.

If somebody snitches on you, gossips about you behind you, you should know that these are the results of the bad karma you made in the past life, especially the four speech faults (harsh words, lying, worthless chatter and sowing discord). Therefore, you should confess fiercely. Then you also should appreciate the misfortunes, which give you a chance to clear your karma. Moreover, you should use these opportunities to adjust and correct your mind, speech and behavior. These are ways to accept and change cause and effect. If you really attain the enlightenment through practice, you can surpass the karma and become steady and clear, these misfortunes cannot harm you.



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