撰文 New York University
翻譯 嚴冰冰
審校 董堃
編輯 戚譯引
圖片來自 Pixabay
「多語言使用者的一個過人之處就是他們可以快速、準確地在多種語言之間隨意切換」,紐約大學博士候選人、該研究的第一作者艾斯提·布蘭科-艾羅里耶塔(Esti Blanco-Elorrieta)表示,「我們的發現有助於確定在此過程中大腦里發生了什麼——尤其是,哪些具體的神經活動是與從一種語言切換到另一種這個過程相關的。」
「具體而言,該研究首次表明從神經生物學的角度來看,脫離一種語言的過程需要消耗一些認知資源,而激活另一種語言幾乎毫不費力」,紐約大學語言系和心理學系教授、該研究的資深作者琳娜·皮爾克南(Liina Pylkkanen)評論。
為了拆解這個動態過程,研究者們,包括來自聖地亞哥州立大學的凱倫·艾默里(Karen Emmorey),以能夠流利使用、並且經常同時使用英語和北美手語(ASL)的雙語使用者作為研究對象展開實驗。
【標題】Language switching decomposed through MEG and evidence from bimodal bilinguals
【作者】Esti Blanco-Elorrieta, Karen Emmorey, and Liina Pylkk?nen
【摘要】A defining feature of human cognition is the ability to quickly and accurately alternate between complex behaviors. One striking example of such an ability is bilinguals』 capacity to rapidly switch between languages. This switching process minimally comprises disengagement from the previous language and engagement in a new language. Previous studies have associated language switching with increased prefrontal activity. However, it is unknown how the subcomputations of language switching individually contribute to these activities, because few natural situations enable full separation of disengagement and engagement processes during switching. We recorded magnetoencephalography (MEG) from American Sign Language–English bilinguals who often sign and speak simultaneously, which allows to dissociate engagement and disengagement. MEG data showed that turning a language 「off」 (switching from simultaneous to single language production) led to increased activity in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC), while turning a language 「on」 (switching from one language to two simultaneously) did not. The distinct representational nature of these on and off processes was also supported by multivariate decoding analyses. Additionally, Granger causality analyses revealed that (i) compared with 「turning on」 a language, 「turning off」 required stronger connectivity between left and right dlPFC, and (ii) dlPFC activity predicted ACC activity, consistent with models in which the dlPFC is a top–down modulator of the ACC. These results suggest that the burden of language switching lies in disengagement from the previous language as opposed to engaging a new language and that, in the absence of motor constraints, producing two languages simultaneously is not necessarily more cognitively costly than producing one.
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