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時間告訴我:The mind is clear and bright(值得收藏)!

Time tells me


When the wind rose to see the fallen leaves, when it rained to smell the rain fragrance, when spring thick to see flowers open, the snow season to purify mind clear mind, bright and magnanimous.


時間告訴我:The mind is clear and bright(值得收藏)!

Time tells me:


There is always a morning when the wind blows, there is always a gorgeous dusk to hold on to yourself, live in the moment, and live each day happily.


時間告訴我:The mind is clear and bright(值得收藏)!

Time tells me:


Life is a long life with tears coming, laughing the process of leaving, showing the vicissitudes of life, with aloes like that pear flower, wind and rain, wash the lead, qing yun still; Like that picture scroll, after years, faded color, still gorgeous; Like the mountain and water, winding and lingering, sometimes surging waves, sometimes bubbling streams, ditches, deep shallow.


時間告訴我:The mind is clear and bright(值得收藏)!

Time tells me:


Encounter in life, are a kind of doomed. Among them, some are used for growth, some are used for encouragement, some are used for company, some are used for sharing weal and woe, some are used for forgetfulness, some are used for immolation. No matter how good you are, someone will always look down upon you. No matter how mediocre you are, there is always someone who sees you as a treasure. When your teeth are gone, your eyes are dim, your back is bent, you are still the treasure in his/her hand.


時間告訴我:The mind is clear and bright(值得收藏)!



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