麋鹿(Père David』s deer, Elaphurus davidianus),是一類大型鹿科動物,曾經廣泛分布我國東部的沼澤地區(圖1A和B)(1)。1986年Armand David首次將麋鹿引入歐洲;19世紀末,20世紀初,由於棲息地的喪失以及連年的戰火,麋鹿在我國滅絕了。幸運的是,在1894年至1901年間,Herbrand Arthur Russell(貝德福德的第11任公爵)從歐洲動物園獲得了剩下的少數鹿(18頭個體)。這些個體在英格蘭的烏邦寺(Woburn Abbey)得到了有效的保育(圖1C),目前的麋鹿都來源於這一個人工群體(1)。在20世紀80年代中期,在我國與英國兩國政府的聯合推動下,77頭麋鹿被重新引入中國,並分別在北京南海子,大江蘇大豐和湖北天鵝洲等地建立了人工群體(1)。
Figure 1. The history of the Milu
A, Palaeogeographicdistribution history of wild Milu in China. The data for Milu fossils wereadopted from Cao1. The color relates to the density of the fossilsin specific provinces, and the density was calculated as the number of fossilsper million square kilometers.B,Milu foraging in the coastal shoal habitat of Dafeng Milu Natural Reserve,Jiangsu, China.C, Large-scalere-introduction programs since 1985. C, fawn; F, females; M, males.D, Demographic history of the Milu. Thehistory of the Milu population and climate change spans from 3 KYA to 4 MYA. We used the default mutation rate of 1.5 × 10–8for baiji (μ) and estimation of 6 years pergeneration (g). The last glacial maximum (LGM) is highlighted in grey. Tsurf,atmospheric surface air temperature; RSL, relative sea level; 10 m.s.l.e., 10 msea level equivalent.E, Boxplot of Froh for Milu, crested ibis, panda, and polar bear populations. Froh denotes the proportion of totalROH length.F. Box plot of the length of ROH in each individual from Milu, crested ibis, panda, and polar bear.
江蘇大豐麋鹿國家自然保護區(沿海濕地)的麋鹿建群數為39頭,經過我國政府的大力支持,從上世紀八十年代初到現在,種群數量已經超過3000頭,是目前世界上最大的麋鹿群體(2)。從1986年到2002年,大豐麋鹿群體平均出生率約為25%; 這個比率接近於野生白尾鹿(Odocoileus virginia)(21%-22%)(3)。這期間大豐麋鹿的幼年死亡率約為5%(Ding 2017,遠遠低於其他圈養哺乳動物種群(非近交和近交種群)。例如,近交的獵豹種群的幼年死亡率為29.1%(4)。先前的研究還表明,在16種圈養有蹄類動物中,有15種是近交種群的幼年死亡率高於非近交種群。 近交種群的這種特徵很可能是由與近親繁殖相關的有害影響引起的。那麼目前我國的麋鹿群體主要來源於上世紀80年引入的77頭個體。那麼麋鹿群體的近交程度如何呢?圈養麋鹿種群成功複壯,已經成為如何拯救高度瀕危物種的典型例子。成功複壯主要歸功於我國政府的大力投入與支持以及圈養的保育(充足的食物、沒有天敵)。考慮到麋鹿群體具有較低的幼年死亡率,研究者推測麋鹿自身的一些因素也可能其成功複壯的重要保障。
Figure 2. Positive selective pressuresignals on genes putatively involved in sodium channels and high-salt diet
A. The positive selectionanalysis on the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC). Red dot, milu-specific SAPs(single amino acid polymorphisms); red circle, damaging milu-specific SAPspredicted by PPH2. Red arrows represent the positive selective sites. B. Thesalinity of forage plants in Dafeng Milu Natural Reserve.
帶著這些疑問,南京師範大學生命科學學院聯合江蘇大豐麋鹿保護區等多家單位,利用最新的基因組測序技術,對麋鹿種群負責的分子機制進行了探討。他們首先評估了Froh 指數(runs of homozygosity length / genome effective length)。ROH (runs of homozygosity) 是由於父母將相同的單倍型傳遞給其後代而存在於個體中的連續長度的純合基因型(5),通常來用於評估近交程度。Froh值越大,表示近交的程度越大。與瀕危的朱?Nipponia nippon(建群個體數7隻)(6)、大熊貓Ailuropoda melanoleuca(較高的遺傳多樣性)(7)以及北極熊Ursus maritimus的基因組(8)進行了比較,發現朱?的Froh最高,麋鹿次之(圖1E和1F),說明麋鹿並沒有存在很高的近交程度;這與多年來麋鹿群體的幼體存活率的結果比較一致。他們推測中國麋鹿種群的77頭奠基者(圖1C)可能比朱鷺的7個奠基者具有更多遺傳多樣性。
比較基因組分析顯示,麋鹿群體儘管存在極端的種群瓶頸,但是其仍具有較高的遺傳多樣性。延長的近親繁殖歷史可能有助於清除有害的隱性等位基因。(1)他們發現與生殖,胚胎髮育和免疫反應相關的17個基因處於高選擇壓力下。(2)麋鹿對高鹽食物的潛在適應:他們SCNN1A基因在麋鹿中受到強烈正選擇。SCNN1A是一種參與控制體內鈉重吸收的基因(圖2A)。他們還觀察到另外29個正選擇基因,其涉及血壓調節,心血管發育,膽固醇調節,血糖控制和甲狀腺激素合成。這些遺傳適應可能需要緩解通常與高鹽飲食相關的不利影響。麋鹿歷史上曾廣泛分布於我國東部沿海濕地。大豐麋鹿保護區也主要位於沿海濕地。麋鹿野放區的主要食物為互花米草(Sporobolus alterniflora),為一類外來入侵的鹽生植物。沿海地區麋鹿的主要取食植物的鹽分含量顯著高於內陸地區植物(圖2B)。所以,這些正選擇的基因可能反應了麋鹿對高鹽食物的適應與響應。
1. Cao K (2005) Research on the Mi-deer (Shanghai Publishing House for the Science and Technology Education, Shanghai, China).
2. Ding Y (2017) David"s deer. Nanjing Normal University Press.
3. Stoll Jr RJ & Parker WP (1986) Reproductive performance and condition of white-tailed deer in Ohio.
4. O』Brien SJ, et al. (1985) Genetic basis for species vulnerability in the cheetah. Science 227(4693):1428-1434.
5. Purfield DC, Berry DP, McParland S, & Bradley DG (2012) Runs of homozygosity and population history in cattle. BMC genetics 13(1):70.
6. Li S, et al. (2014) Genomic signatures of near-extinction and rebirth of the crested ibis and other endangered bird species. Genome biology 15(12):1-17.
7. Zhao S, et al. (2013) Whole-genome sequencing of giant pandas provides insights into demographic history and local adaptation. Nature Genetics 45(1):67-71.
8. Liu S, et al. (2014) Population genomics reveal recent speciation and rapid evolutionary adaptation in polar bears. Cell 157(4):785-794.
Evolutionary Applicationsis a fully peer reviewed open access journal,impact factor4.694, ranks at 9/49 Q1 in Evolutionary Biology. It publishes papers that utilize concepts from evolutionary biology to address biological questions of health, social and economic relevance. Papers are expected to employ evolutionary concepts or methods to make contributions to areas such as (but not limited to):
medicine, agriculture, forestry, exploitation and management (fisheries and wildlife), aquaculture, conservation biology, environmental sciences (including climate change and invasion biology), microbiology, and toxicology. All taxonomic groups are covered from microbes, fungi, plants and animals. In order to better serve the community, we also now strongly encourage submissions of papers making use of modern molecular and genetic methods (population and functional genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, epigenetics, quantitative genetics, association and linkage mapping) to address important questions in any of these disciplines and in an applied evolutionary framework. Theoretical, empirical, synthesis or perspective papers are welcome.
About the Editor-in-Chief
Louis Bernatchez
Institut de Biologie Intégrative et des Systèmes (IBIS)
Pavillon Charles-Eugène-Marchand
Université Laval, Québec, QC G1V 0A6
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