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歲月留痕臻品 光緒元寶 湖北省造 庫平一兩



光緒元寶 湖北省造 庫平一兩

規格:直徑:4.4cm; 重:38g






此藏品光緒元寶湖北省造庫平一兩銀幣,直徑4.4cm,重38g,為機制銀幣。錢幣正面珠圈內自上而下而右而左直讀「光緒元寶」四字,幣心為四個滿文字樣(漢譯為光緒元寶),珠圈外上端環「湖北省造」四字,下環「庫平一兩」四字,左右兩側分列六瓣花。錢幣背面中央鑄「飛龍」圖及珠圈,上下幣道為「英文」SUNGAREI 1 TAEL。中心蟠龍圖,龍頭高昂,龍目聚光有神,龍口大開氣勢威嚴,龍爪向外蒼勁有力,龍身鱗片厚實堅硬片片相連,身體捲曲把寶珠卷在中間,四周布滿雲霧隱蔽其身,仿若呼之欲出,彰顯出了帝王氣象。龍紋在封建社會中素來是皇族的象徵,將其用於錢幣上,更顯錢幣的威嚴,同時蘊含了極深的歷史文化價值,此錢幣見證了歷史的興衰沉淪,流傳至今,既珍貴又難得,加上存世量少,故極具收藏價值,值得入手!

Ancient Chinese coins have a long history and various varieties. They are the treasures of traditional Chinese culture and have high collection and investment value. For thousands of years, China"s monetary culture has condensed the wisdom and talent of the Chinese nation, and created a systematic, brilliant and unique Eastern monetary culture. In the Qing Dynasty, silver coins, paper notes and copper coins went hand in hand, and new silver coins were issued in the Jiaqing period, while more gold and silver coins were minted in the Guangxu period. The Westernization Movement also affected the minting industry. In 1887, the governor of Guangdong and Guangdong, Zhang Zhidong, commissioned an envoy to order a complete set of minting machines in Britain and made the first minting machines of silver and copper in Guangdong Money Bureau. Subsequently, the provinces have copied and purchased foreign machinery for casting silver and copper. Many mints, including the Guangdong Money Bureau, were ordered from the famous London Birmingham Mint Co., Ltd. The involvement of Great Britain has made silver coins stained with Western colors. The fusion of Manchu culture can be seen on the front side of the coin, while Qian Bei clearly indicates the involvement of western culture.

Over the past 20 years of reform and opening-up, the depth and breadth of coin collection and research in China have exceeded that of any other period in history, coin collectors have spread throughout the country"s urban and rural areas, and rare historical coins scattered among the people have been discovered constantly, especially in large-scale capital construction, and many historical coins have come back to the fore. Many high-quality goods, Guangxu ingots also become a new hot spot for coin investment.

Guangxu Yuan Bao is a large collection of silver coins, has always been the concern of many collectors, different versions of the Guangxu Yuan Bao have a unique flavor, it is worth collecting deep.

This collection, Guangxu Yuanbao, is made of one or two silver coins in Hubei Province, with a diameter of 4.4cm and a weight of 38g. On the front of the coin, read the four characters of "Guangxu Yuanbao" from top to bottom and right to left. The center of the coin is in four Manchu characters, the top of the circle is in "Made in Hubei Province" and the bottom is in "Kuping one or two" with six flowers on each side. In the center of the coin, "dragon" and bead bead are in the center. The upper and lower coins are "English" SUNGAREI 1 TAEL. The dragon head in the center is high, the dragon eyes are focused on the spirit, the dragon mouth is open and majestic, the Dragon claws are strong and vigorous, the dragon body scales are thick and hard pieces connected, the body curls up the jewels in the middle, surrounded by clouds and fog concealed its body, like to speak out, highlighting the monarch"s weather. Dragon pattern in feudal society has always been a symbol of the Royal family, its use in coins, more dignified coins, at the same time contains a very deep historical and cultural value, this coin witnessed the rise and fall of history, spread to the present, both rare and precious, coupled with a small amount of world, it is extremely valuable collection, it is worth starting!




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