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Question: What"s the difference between 「let it be」 and 「do as one pleases」 ?

Guru answers: "Let it be" is natural, and "do as one pleases" means alteration and making choice. If there is discrimination and attachment in mind when you deliberately do or don』t do something, this is 「do as one pleases」 rather than 「let it be」. 「Let it be」 means indiscrimination and non-attachment, everything happens naturally. The condition is originally coming, leaving, gathering and scattering, which is a kind of state, there is no need for you to discriminate and attach.

Leave your heart calm, and all will be calm. Leave your heart right and all will be smooth. See, we are just looking for trouble and suffering for ourselves. Unfavorable conditions or obstacles come from our mind. If the mind did not get through, the heart did not open, everything was barrier and obstacle. If you cast off and opened your mind, everything would help you. Whether in favorable or unfavorable condition, feeling pure or impure, everything provides us the chance -- for liberation, but we don』t get liberated. Everything is showing dharma to us -- let us get enlightened, but we are not enlightened. This is not the problem of all things around us, it is ours problem. It is not a matter of circumstances, it is a matter of mind.



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