首頁 > 新聞 > 民企座談會上沒許家印王健林 瑞士信貸:中國房地產進入新常態 下調碧桂園和雅居評級

民企座談會上沒許家印王健林 瑞士信貸:中國房地產進入新常態 下調碧桂園和雅居評級




Revising down growth estimates. We estimate China』s annual new home sales scale at 1.23 bn sq m in GFA over 2018-27E, or 15% below the level of 1.45 bn sq m in 2017. The slowdown in the monetisation scheme for shanty-town redevelopment is to drag property sales, and we expect the volume to decline by 11.6%/6.6% YoY in 2019/20E. Amid the trend, we expect new starts to drop by 8%/5% YoY in 2019/20E. The weakness in the housing market should offer room for some policy relaxation in 2019.

修正增長預測。我們估計,中國每年的新房銷售規模在1.23億平方米,建築面積超過2018-27e,或百分之十五在2017年14.5億美元平方米水平。在棚戶區改造的貨幣化方案的經濟放緩拖累房地產銷售,我們預計成交量同比下降11.6% / 6.6% 2019 / 20E。中的趨勢,我們預計新開工下降8% / 5%年率2019 / 20E。住房市場的疲軟應該提供客房,SOM2019放寬政策。

Large developers better placed for a downturn. Despite the structural demand decline, we think leading developers are better positioned and will continue to expand their market share. We expect contracted sales CAGR at 21% over 2017-20E for the 23 covered developers, with market share expanding to 48% in 2020E (vs 30% in 2018E). This is to translate into FY17-20E earnings CAGR of 22%.

大開發商更適合經濟低迷。儘管結構性需求下降,我們認為領先開發商更好的定位,並將繼續擴大自己的市場份額。我們預計簽約銷售複合增長率在21以上的23 2017-20e覆蓋開發商,市場份額擴大到48成2020e(vs 30 % 2018e)。這將轉化為FY17-20E盈利22%的年複合增長率。

Scorecard to differentiate developers. Amid the changing landscape, we introduce a more comprehensive scorecard to rank developers』 edges, including (1) landbank, (2) profitability, (3) sales execution, and (4) gearing. We rank CRL, Longfor, and COLI as our Top 3 picks, whereas Greentown, GZ R&F, Evergrande, and Agile are less favourably positioned.

使用記分卡來區分開發者。在不斷變化的景觀,我們引入了一個更全面的記分卡,開發商邊排名,包括(1)土地儲備,(2)盈利能力(3)銷售執行,及(4)周轉。我們排名的華潤置地,龍湖,和中海地產作為我們的最高3位,而綠地、廣州富力、恆大、和 雅居樂處於不太有利的位置。

Close-to-trough valuation prices in Rmb/US$ at ~7 and GFA down ~10%. We expect valuation to bottom out from the trough despite the decline in property sales. While the trend is similar to 4Q11-1H12, the share price differentiation among developers is to take a different shape (high gearing names outperformed in 4Q11-1H12), given the continued deleveraging in the property sector. To factor in the developers』 competitive edges and valuation, we prefer CRL, COLI, and Longfor among large caps, Shimao and Jinmao among mid-cap names and CIFI among small cap. We upgrade Yuexiu Property to OUTPERFORM (from Neutral) and downgrade Country Garden and Agile to UNDERPERFORM (from Neutral).




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