面試官:這樣發Thank-you Email的學生,我要定了!
面試前後,給面試官發一封Thank-you Email
56%的面試官表示沒有收到Thank-you Email
面試後最適合發Thank-you Email
對於口語比Native Speakers弱的留學生來說,Thank-You Email不僅可以彌補面試中口語表達的不足,而且也是整個面試禮儀的很重要的一部分。一封漂亮的Thank-you Email,可以使你從眾多面試者中脫穎而出,這樣有利於加強你的面試官對你的認可,甚至還能在面試後起到「扭轉局面」的作用,成為你獲得Offer的關鍵因素。
但大部分求職者的Thank-You Email都會有一下幾個問題:
這樣的Thank-you Email不如不寫,因為它可能產生面試官對你的負面影響,認為你不專業,反而扣分。有面試官爆料說,每逢招聘季,他們都會收到不少這種「有問題」的Thank-you Email或是Thank-you Note(手寫郵寄),而他們基本上不會讀完,甚至直接把紙質檔扔進垃圾桶。
那麼一封能夠充分展現自己,還不會讓面試官覺得乏味的Thank-you Email,到底怎麼寫?
Thank-you email 是一個非常好的機會提醒面試官你的強項和素質是如何跟應聘崗位和公司的招募需求吻合。你可以先清晰無誤地列明你對該職位及其職責範圍的理解,並且有信心能完成對方或是你未來老闆的工作要求。
再根據你所理解的職責範圍(可以再三確認崗位的Job description),在此,針對性「促銷」你的軟技能soft skills(communication skills, personal skills etc.)和硬技能hard skills(技術軟體操作能力、相關實踐經歷等)。就像在面試中回答behavioral questions一樣,在推銷自己時可以舉一個簡短例子。
對自我感覺在面試中發揮不太理想的人來說,寫好Thank-you email無異於給了自己二次面試的機會。
你可以利用在面試對話中發現的招聘官或是你未來老闆的共同之處,更深一步地溝通感情、建立Rapport。 共同之處可以是Shared Vision、Philosophy、 Workstyle等。
必回Thank-you Email範例參考
Good [morning/afternoon] [Name],
Thank you for taking the time to speak with me this morning about the XXX position at ABC firm. It was a pleasure meeting with you, and I truly enjoyed learning more about the role and the company. After our conversation, I am confident that my skills and experiences are a great match for this opportunity. I am very enthusiastic about the possibility of joining your team and would greatly appreciate a follow-up as you move forward with the hiring process.
If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me by email or phone.
Thanks again, and I hope to hear from you in the near future.
Best regards,
[Candidate Name]
Dear [Name]:
I appreciate you taking the time to speak to me about the internship position available at Jones Corporation. I am excited about the opportunity to intern with such a well-regarded organization.
The internship, as you presented it, seems to be an excellent match for my skills and interests. I am confident that my coursework in accounting will enable me to be a productive member of the team. In addition to my enthusiasm, I will bring to the position a willingness to learn, both about the company and the accounting field.
I appreciate the time you took to interview me. I am very interested in working for you and look forward to hearing from you. If I can provide you with additional information, please let me know.
[Candidate Name]
Dear [Name],
Thank you for taking time to meet with me yesterday to discuss the private equity position at [Enter Firm Name]. Based on our conversation, I』m even more excited about this opportunity and I believe I』d be a great fit for the role. Your description of the position was very helpful, and I』m eager for the chance to take the practical skills I』ve developed thus far and apply them here while getting a chance to learn more about the private equity business.
In particular,I was interested to hear about the structure and success of [Enter Firm Name].I wish you the best of luck with the new fund.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me by phone or via email.
Thank you,
[Candidate Name]
Dear [Name],
Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me. I enjoyed speaking with you, and I feel that the position would be a great match for my academic and professional background and my skill set.
However, I am not sure my interest and enthusiasm for the job translated in our interview today. I have been feeling under the weather this week and don"t think I was able to express my aptitude for the job.
I wanted to take the time to reassure you that I believe my sense of initiative, high level of motivation, and positive attitude make me a prime candidate for this position. I"m not sure if that came across during the interview.
If you would like to arrange another time to meet, I would appreciate the opportunity to speak with you again.
[Candidate Name]
如果你的面試是通過Referral獲得的,記得在面試之後也給推薦你的人發一個Thank-you Email。
Dear [Name],
Thank you very much for referring me to the[Job Title] position at [Employer Name]! I interviewed for the job today [or yesterday or the date] with [Name and Job Title], [Name and Job Title], and [Name and Job Title] at [location, if relevant].
I think the interviews went well, and I enjoyed the opportunity to learn more about [Employer Name]. I look forward to the next steps in the hiring process. [Name] told me that they would be in touch in [timeframe]. If you would like, I will keep you posted.
Again, thank you for your help. I greatly appreciate your assistance.
Best regards,
[Candidate Name]
[Your job search email address]
通過Thank-you Email拿到Offer
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