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論文標題: A room-temperature sodium–sulfur battery with high capacity and stable cycling performance

作者:Xiaofu Xu, Dong Zhou, Xianying Qin, Kui Lin, Feiyu Kang, Baohua Li, Devaraj Shanmukaraj, Teofilo Rojo, Michel Armand, Guoxiu Wang

數字識別碼: 10.1038/s41467-018-06443-3

在300–350°C溫度下工作的高溫鈉-硫電池,已經被商業化地應用於大規模的能量儲存和轉換。然而,這種電池存在的安全隱患極大的阻礙了它的廣泛使用。近期在發表於《自然-通訊》上的論文A room-temperature sodium–sulfur battery with high capacity and stable cycling performance中,來自清華大學的Baohua Li,來自西班牙CIC ENERGIGUNE研究所的Michel Armand及來自悉尼科技大學的Guoxiu Wang帶領的團隊報道了一種具有高電化學性能、高安全性能的室溫納-硫電池。該實驗團隊採用了「雞尾酒優化」電解體質系:以碳酸丙烯酯和氟代碳酸乙烯酯為共溶劑,並加入高濃度鈉鹽,用三碘化銦作為添加劑。作者通過第一性原理計算和實驗表徵驗證,氟代碳酸乙烯酯溶劑和高鹽濃度不僅顯著降低了多硫化鈉的溶解度,而且在循環過程中,會在鈉陽極上構建一個穩健的固體電解質界面。與此同時,採用三碘化銦作為氧化還原媒介還增加了陰極上硫化鈉的動力學轉化,並在陽極上形成鈍化銦層,以防止其受到多硫化合物的腐蝕。作者開發的鈉-硫電池表現出了高容量和長循環穩定的特性。




摘要:High-temperature sodium–sulfur batteries operating at 300–350 °C have been commercially applied for large-scale energy storage and conversion. However, the safety concerns greatly inhibit their widespread adoption. Herein, we report a room-temperature sodium–sulfur battery with high electrochemical performances and enhanced safety by employing a 「cocktail optimized」 electrolyte system, containing propylene carbonate and fluoroethylene carbonate as co-solvents, highly concentrated sodium salt, and indium triiodide as an additive. As verified by first-principle calculation and experimental characterization, the fluoroethylene carbonate solvent and high salt concentration not only dramatically reduce the solubility of sodium polysulfides, but also construct a robust solid-electrolyte interface on the sodium anode upon cycling. Indium triiodide as redox mediator simultaneously increases the kinetic transformation of sodium sulfide on the cathode and forms a passivating indium layer on the anode to prevent it from polysulfide corrosion. The as-developed sodium–sulfur batteries deliver high capacity and long cycling stability.

期刊介紹:Nature Communications(https://www.nature.com/ncomms/) is an open access journal that publishes high-quality research from all areas of the natural sciences. Papers published by the journal represent important advances of significance to specialists within each field.

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