Dillon Francis製作的「Like&Subscribe」第一集終於來啦!哥們兒還放出了新單小樣!
作為一名電子音樂製作人/DJ,美國小哥Dillon Francis除了將moombahton風格發揚光大了以外,多才多藝的他在別的科目上不會閑著——比如製作影視劇。
As an American electronic musician, producer, and DJ, Dillon Francis is known for popularizing the moombahton genre. But don』t consider him is just a guy who plays with music. He can act and absolutely kills it!
早在今年六月,Dillon Francis就開始推廣他那萬眾期待的網劇「Like and Subscribe」了。然而,粉絲們的期待之情隨著直播平台go90的關閉而跌入了谷底。「Like and Subscribe」原本是計劃7月9日在go90平台開播來著,可go90也太不爭氣了,過了這個7月,就沒有go90了!這可把Dillon Francis急的夠嗆。不過好在Funny or Die最終向他伸出了援手,差點胎死腹中的「Like and Subscribe」奇蹟般重生!
Dillon Francis』 s much-anticipated series, 「Like and Subscribe」, kicked off its promotions in June. However, fans were left wondering if the show would ever actually see the light of day. It was supposed to follow shortly after on July 9, but the poor series lost its home on the same month —— 90go ceased to exist on July 30. This situation really burnt Dillon Francis』s ass. Fortunately, the show finally found a home on Funny or Die and officially rebirth!
Francis在劇中飾演一位名叫做Skyy Goldwynne的洛杉磯頂級經紀人。劇情簡介是這麼寫的:「這哥們兒不知道是怎麼搞的,簽了一堆紅人,然後又把他們的事兒給忘得一乾二淨了。在被一篇報道瘋狂抨擊了一頓之後,Goldwynne只能孤注一擲,把這些紅人關在一間房子里進行拍攝。「
Like and Subscribe stars Francis as Skyy Goldwynne, the most powerful manager in Hollywood. 「Somewhere along the line hesigned a bunch of influencers and then forgot about them. When he sees an article in the trades about how terrible he is for representing them, he is left with no choice, but to lock them all in a house together, and film it.」
第一集的標題就叫《房子》「The House」,趕緊點擊看起來。
Check out the episode and get ready to laugh.
看完了一集還不過癮?沒事兒,這劇有的你追呢。在看劇的同時,也別忘了關注Dillon Francis的本職工作啊。幾周前,他和Alison Wonderland就在社交網路上宣布了兩人合作的消息,這不最近在奧蘭多的EDC上,他倆就帶來了合作成果的小樣。雖說還不是完成品,但聽著已經夠牛逼了。
One episode is not enough? Don』t worry, there are more to come. Meanwhile, also remember to check out what』s new for his music career. A few weeks ago Alison Wonderland and Dillon Francis took to social media to share with fans that they had a collaboration in the works. Recently, they also teased the first draft of the unreleased track at EDC Orlando. Although the track is not finished yet, it』s already sounding absolutely massive.