首頁 > 佛學 > 怎樣才能得到加持讓身體健康起來?




Question: For the people in poor health, how can they get blessings so as to become healthy?

Guru Answers: Many people are unhealthy, and often get ill. What should we do? It depends on whether you can surpass the karma or not. If you cannot surpass it, can you change it? How? Forsake evil and do good. Mainly abstain from killing action. Can you stop killing and love other lives? If you can, and always confess yourself, forsake evil and learn to do good, then you are changing the karma, and will have a healthy and long life. If originally we are ailing and have a short life, then after confession our karma will be cleared. If we do good deeds, and make a decision to cherish our lives and others lives, we will get the fruit of having a long healthy life, which is called Changing Karma. If you cannot do that, you have to bear and face. Do not always ask me: What should I do, Guru? Could you bless me? I have shown you the way, just forsake evil and do good deeds, if you do as I told you, you will be benefited. If you cannot, I cannot help it.



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