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中國科學院微生物研究所團隊與英國牛津大學、台灣長庚醫院等單位合作於2018年11月26日在國際學術期刊《Nature Microbiology》(自然-微生物學)上發表題為「Structure–function analysis of neutralizing antibodies to H7N9 influenza from naturally infected humans」的文章。該研究揭示自然感染病人體內針對H7N9禽流感中和抗體的保護機制,對於研製疫苗和防控H7N9禽流感疫情具有重要意義。

2013年中國首次出現了人感染H7N9禽流感病毒的病例,曾一度引發全國各地人們對禽流感特別是H7N9的恐慌。2013年以來,H7N9在我國持續存在、傳播並在多個地區引起疫情,特別是2016-17年的第5波疫情中,因其流行特徵和生物學特性較過去發生了較大改變, H7N9高致病性病毒迅速進化,對公共健康和社會經濟產生了巨大威脅,尤其需警惕該病毒可能通過基因重配或進一步突變演變成為引起流感大流行的病毒。血凝素(Hemagglutinin,HA)蛋白是流感病毒負責受體識別及膜融合的重要表面糖蛋白,是體內中和抗體的重要靶標和疫苗研製的重要免疫抗原。此前,人們對於人體自然感染H7N9後所產生中和抗體保護機制認識十分有限。

研究團隊從2013-14年中國台灣地區4例(患者L, K, Z, W)輸入性H7N9感染病例入手,採集康復病人的血清,發現病人血清能夠對H1,H3亞型毒株和2013年H7N9毒株進行有效中和,但是對2016-17年H7N9毒株的中和活性降低,有些毒株(A/Taiwan/1/2017和A/Guangdong/8H324/2017)


為進一步探究H7N9感染後機體所產生中和抗體的作用廣度和效能,研究團隊分離康復病人的外周血單核細胞,用抗原特異性B細胞分選和單細胞克隆技術鑒定出了254株抗體(表1)。發現其中73株對H7蛋白有反應性,這73株抗體可以進一步分成兩類:一類是能交叉結合H3和H7亞型的抗體有28株,其中只有兩株抗體能夠中和H7N9病毒,另外一類是H7特異性結合抗體45株,其中15株抗體能夠中和H7N9病毒。這些結果表明H7特異性中和抗體在體內起到主要保護作用。同時研究團隊對這些中和抗體進行了進一步分析,發現其中3株抗體(L4A-14, L3A-44, L4B-18)能夠有效中和多種H7N9毒株,其中效果和廣譜性最好的是L4A-14,並在動物模型上證明它能有效預防和治療2013年和2016-17年H7N9流行毒株的感染。

研究團隊進一步用結構生物學方法解析了3株中和抗體(L4A-14, L3A-44, L4B-18)與H7蛋白複合物的三維結構,揭示3株抗體都作用於HA蛋白頭部的受體結合區域(圖2),通過阻止病毒與受體結合,從而抑制病毒入侵而起到中和保護作用。其中L3A-44和L4B-18的結合表位比較相似,對HA蛋白受體結合區域L226Q突變和150-loop區域的糖基化都比較敏感;而L4A-14的表位在2016-17年H7N9毒株中較為保守,只對HA蛋白150-loop區域的糖基化比較敏感(圖3)。


台灣長庚醫院Kuan-Ying A. Huang、英國牛津大學Pramila Rijal、中國科學院微生物研究所和中國農業大學聯合培養博士生江海海、英國牛津大學和北京地壇醫院聯合培養博士生王蓓蓓為論文共同第一作者,台灣長庚醫院Kuan-Ying A. Huang博士、中國科學院微生物研究所高福院士和施一研究員以及牛津大學Alain Townsend教授為論文共同通訊作者。本研究得到了Townsend-Jeantet慈善信託基金、台灣長庚醫院醫學研究項目、人感染H7N9禽流感應急防控研究項目、中國科學院戰略性先導科技專項和國家傳染病科技重大專項等項目的經費支持。

Fig2Structures of L4A-14/H7, L3A-44/H7 and L4B-18/H7 complexes. a,c,e, Overall structures of L4A-14/H7 (a), L3A-44/H7 (c) and L4B-18/H7 (e) complexes, displayed in a cartoon representation. The L4A-14, L3A-44 and L4B-18 Fab (heavy chain in magenta, light chain in yellow) bind the globular head domain of A/Anhui/1/2013 haemagglutinin. The HA1 head subunit is coloured green, the HA2 subunit light blue, and the epitope pink. b,d,f, The footprints on H7 of Fab L4A-14 (b), L3A-44 (d) and L4B-18 (f) are mapped on the haemagglutinin surface. The epitope residues that are contacted by the heavy or light chain are coloured in purple or blue, respectively (numbering from the first residue in the mature H7 protein32). The overlapping residues that are contacted by both heavy and light chains are in orange. HCDR1–3, heavy chain complementarity-determining regions 1–3; LCDR1–3, light chain complementarity-determining regions 1–3; HC, heavy chain; LC, light chain.

Fig3Comparison of epitope residues recognized by L4A-14, L3A-44 and L4B-18 antibodies. a, Antibody L4A-14 (in blue) has a more straight-on binding orientation than the L4B-18 (magenta) and L3A-44 (orange) antibodies. b, Haemagglutinin residues contacted by L4A-14 (triangles), L3A44 (circles) and L4B-18 (squares) are mapped onto a structure-based sequence alignment of H7 haemagglutinins (A/Anhui/1/2013, A/Hong Kong/125/2017, A/Taiwan/1/2017, A/Guangdong/8H324/2017 and A/Guangdong/17SF003/2016). Unique residues are highlighted with white boxes. Numbering is taken from the first amino acid of the mature H7 protein32.


Little is known about the specificities and neutralization breadth of the H7-reactive antibody repertoire induced by natural H7N9 infection in humans. We have isolated and characterized 73 H7-reactive monoclonal antibodies from peripheral B cells from four donors infected in 2013 and 2014. Of these, 45 antibodies were H7-specific, and 17 of these neutralized the virus, albeit with few somatic mutations in their variable domain sequences. An additional set of 28 antibodies, isolated from younger donors born after 1968, cross-reacted between H7 and H3 haemagglutinins in binding assays, and had accumulated significantly more somatic mutations, but were predominantly non-neutralizing in vitro. Crystal structures of three neutralizing and protective antibodies in complex with the H7 haemagglutinin revealed that they recognize overlapping residues surrounding the receptor-binding site of haemagglutinin. One of the antibodies, L4A-14, bound into the sialic acid binding site and made contacts with haemagglutinin residues that were conserved in the great majority of 2016–2017 H7N9 isolates. However, only 3 of the 17 neutralizing antibodies retained activity for the Yangtze River Delta lineage viruses isolated in 2016–2017 that have undergone antigenic change, which emphasizes the need for updated H7N9 vaccines.





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