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福報從哪裡來?Where Is the Karmic Reward From?



Where Is the Karmic Reward From?



All of behaviors in this world can be divided into two kinds: one is noble behavior, and the other one is despicable behavior. For noble behavior, you must be steady—both physically and mentally and just—when interacting with people. We are not willing to suffer, neither are others. We are willing to enjoy our life, so are others. We want to win, so do others. We do not want to lose, neither do others. So be fair and just. And this is integrity. Noble behavior includes more, such as mercy, benefitting others, being helpful, i.e. performing the good deeds and accumulating merits .Those are all noble behaviors.

Despicable behaviors include those such as killing, stealing, lying, breaking the oaths, not being stable, not being loyal to friends and not upright, etc.



If you are moral and do noble deeds, this life and afterlife you will gain peace, otherwise, you will suffer.

Pain and pleasure are both because of karma. We should start from the cause, and change it.

If you always know what to adopt and what to discard regarding cause and effect, and then stop all bad behaviors, have a noble act, and you can get happiness in this life and afterlife. Otherwise, it is impossible to gain happiness in other ways, as causes and conditions have not come together.



Now many people are willing to gain peace and happiness, wishing to be successful and smooth, but what they really do is just opposite to what they wish. Why? Thats because they do not make right choices between good and evil.

There are also many people who stop at nothing in doing evil, but they seem successful. But it is temporary, they must have performed the good in the past lives, and before all the good karmas are used up, they enjoy such karmic reward. It is not a good thing anyway. Even though everything will change, Karma will not. Good will be well rewarded and evil will be punished, which will not change.


So we should be sane, we should be sensible and wise, not blind. Because there must be one day when you use up your reward and fall down, then you will regret, you will suffer, but all is too late. So you need to be responsible for yourself, and do everything correct and helpful.



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