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中華魁寶—中華民國二十三年 孫中山 雙帆幣 壹圓



中華民國二十三年 壹圓

規格:直徑:3.9cm 重:26.6g


在中國近代史的發展歷程中,出現了許多歷史性的英雄人物。其中,於19世紀早期推 翻滿清封建君主專制統治、結束長達兩千多年封建帝制的孫 中 山先生,成為近代社會發展過程中一比特具有舉足輕重地位的歷史人物。孫 中 山先生不僅在政治上為中國做出了極 大的貢獻,而且在經濟上也為中國的發展描繪了宏偉的藍圖,是近代歷史上民主革命思想的先行者。

不同的歷史時期總要留下不同的歷史印跡。為了讓世人銘記孫 中 山先生的豐功偉績,在民國時期,鑄造發行了鐫有孫 中 山先生頭像各種版式的銀幣,如今更是錢幣收藏的熱門之一。其中產自於民國二十三年的孫 中 山雙帆幣,亦成為當時那個特定歷史時期市場上 流通的主要幣種之一。據相關資料介紹,年號為孫 中 山先生頭像的雙帆幣中,多由上海中央造幣廠所製作完成。現時,這些雙帆幣的幣值往往只有一圓和中圓兩種。當時,國 民 黨政府在國內推行「法幣」政策,以中央銀行、中國銀行和交通銀行三大銀行發行的紙幣為法定貨幣,白銀全部收歸國家所有,限期進行法幣兌換,不允許民間流通銀圓幣種,所以在民國二十三年時,以孫 中 山頭像為圖案的銀幣也並未流通於當時的市場之中。因其存世量極為稀 少,故在今天的貨幣市場中依然備受藏家們的親睞。

此枚錢幣版面設計優雅,雕刻精良,鑄造量不多,流通量少所以存世極罕,有極高的歷史價值與學術價值。正面鐫刻孫 中 山先生側面頭像,上方鐫「中華民國二十三年」,背面鐫雙桅帆船在乘風破浪前進,左右分列「一圓」幣值。在幣面的設計方面,雙帆幣是凝聚著千百名工藝技師的智慧源泉和美學獨特視角,品相極好,整體造型和諧,圖案設計精美,再加上兩帆的非常稀 少,通過光線的對照及折射,仍滲透出該幣銀質斑駁蒼古的「包漿」,是自然形成的「時間的軌跡」,孫 中 山頭像更是栩栩如生,銀元散發出一股王 者的風範和歷史沉澱的氣息。在市面上比較少見,因此也引得萬千藏家競相收藏,足見其價值地位,具有極高的收藏價值和藝術價值。

近年來,隨著收藏投資熱的不斷升溫,銀元也日漸走俏,且價格一路上揚。尤其是珍品銀元,在藏品交易市場上表現異常活躍。「民國帆船幣」是中國近代機制幣中的十大名譽品之一,它之所以名氣大是由於他的歷史性和珍 稀性決定的。

In the course of the development of modern Chinese history, many historical heroes have appeared. Among them, in the early 19th century, Mr. Sun Yat-sen, who overthrew the feudal monarchy of the Manchurian monarchy and ended the feudal monarchy for more than 2,000 years, became a historical figure with a pivotal position in the development of modern society. Mr. Sun Yat-sen not only made great contributions to China in politics, but also portrayed a grand blueprint for China"s development in the economy. It is the forerunner of democratic revolutionary thought in modern history.

Different historical periods always leave different historical imprints. In order to let the world remember the great achievements of Mr. Sun Yat-sen, in the period of the Republic of China, the silver coins of the various versions of Mr. Sun Yat-sen"s head were cast and released, and now it is one of the hottest collections of coins. Among them, Sun Yat-sen"s Shuangfancoin, which was produced in the 23rd year of the Republic of China, became one of the major currencies in the market during that particular historical period. According to the relevant information, the double-sail coins with the year number of Mr. Sun Yat-sen"s head are mostly made by the Shanghai Central Mint. At present, the value of these double-sail coins is usually only one round and one round. At that time, the Kuomintang government promoted the "funded currency" policy in China, and the banknotes issued by the three major banks of the Central Bank, Bank of China and Bank of Communications were the legal currency. All of the silver was owned by the state, and the currency exchange was carried out within a time limit. The private circulation of silver currency was not allowed. Therefore, in the 23rd year of the Republic of China, the silver coins with the portrait of Sun Yat-sen were not circulating in the market at that time. Because of its extremely rare world, it is still favored by collectors in today"s currency market.

This coin has an elegant layout, excellent carving, few castings, and low circulation. It is extremely rare and has a high historical and academic value. On the front side, Mr. Sun Yat-sen"s side head portrait is engraved, and the top is 「Twenty-three years of the Republic of China」. On the back, the double-decked sailing boat is advancing in the wind and waves, and the value of 「one round」 is divided. In terms of the design of the currency, Shuangfancoin is a source of wisdom and aesthetics of thousands of craft technicians. The appearance is excellent, the overall shape is harmonious, the design is exquisite, and the two sails are very rare. The contrast and refraction still infiltrate the "slurry" of the silver-colored mottled Canggu. It is a natural "time trajectory". Sun Yat-sen"s head is more vivid, and the silver dollar exudes a king"s demeanor and historical sediment. . It is relatively rare in the market, so it also attracts thousands of collectors to compete in the collection, which shows its value status and has a high collection value and artistic value.

In recent years, with the rising heat of collection investment, the silver dollar has become increasingly popular, and prices have risen. In particular, the treasure silver dollar is extremely active in the collection trading market. 「The Republic of China Sailing Coin」 is one of the top ten honorary items in China"s modern mechanism currency. Its reputation is determined by his historical and rare nature.




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