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Pregnant Meghan is targeted by trolls for "touching her stomach too much" on stage at the British Fashion Awards – but an expert insists the habit can POSITIVELY affect the baby


素材來源:《每日郵報》 翻譯:世界播

A glowing Meghan Markle set social media ablaze as she was photographed proudly cradling her baby bump on stage at the British Fashion Awards on Monday evening.


The royal"s surprise appearance at the glitzy ceremony at the Royal Albert Hall - where she presented her wedding dress designer Clare Waight Keller with the British womenswear designer of the year award - left many fans delighted by the glimpse of Meghan"s blossoming bump on display.


However the response was not solely positive; with some on Twitter criticising the pregnant Duchess for "touching her stomach too much", branding it "irritating" and "smug".


But now an expert has revealed why Meghan"s tendency to keep a protective arm or two draped over her expanding stomach could positively impact her unborn child.


Katherine Graves, founder of KG Hypnobirthing, told FEMAIL that when mothers-to-be put their hands on their bumps in hypnobirthing classes, the "baby responds every time".


Even if the gesture is solely a comforting gesture for Meghan herself, that will "have a profound effect on her baby", said Katherine, who helps train midwives working at the Lindo Wing, where the Duchess of Cambridge gave birth, before adding that "it"s a positive thing for both mum and baby to touch and reassure".


An expert at Private Midwives has revealed the reason behind Meghan Markle cradling her bump, explaining that it can soothe an unborn child in unfamiliar and loud surroundings


Social media critics complained that the pregnant Duchess was "attention seeking" by "constantly cradling her bump"


Even while the designer was accepting her award, Meghan could be seen in the background holding her pregnant belly


In the wake of Meghan"s surprise solo appearance at the glamorous event on Monday night, one Twitter user wrote online: "Oh ok we believe Meghan that you are pregnant stop holding that bump its irritating now too much."


Another added: "Markle needs to desperately stop holding her baby bump because it』s not as if everyone doesn』t already know".


A glowing Meghan Markle was pictured holding her stomach as she attended The Fashion Awards at London"s Royal Albert Hall on Monday evening, butshe was subjected to cruel jibes online


An expert"s comment defending Meghan comes after Twitter was flooded with comments targeting Prince Harry"s wife for "touching her stomach too much"


She added of the negative effects stress could cause: "Being under strain and pressure from criticism puts mothers in the fear response with harmful hormone cortisol produced, which crosses to the placenta affecting the baby.


"Corisol is a harmful side effect of stress, constricting oxygenated blood to the baby and having a negative effect on both.


"Meghan is practicing responsive natural parenting and touching, speaking and cradling her bump will be very beneficial for the baby".


The expert highlighted the unfair judgement mothers-to-be are often subjected to online, with many rushing to her defence on Twitter. A mother explained she could be comforting the baby in louder surroundings, adding: "Leave Meghan and her bump alone. It』s extremely personal. The baby might be extra restless especially in a noisy environment. I know because I have two children. Cradling the bump soothes and calms them, okay? Go to bed".


Her comment comes after Twitter was flooded with comments targeting Prince Harry"s wife for "touching her stomach too much". One follower wrote: "Oh ok we believe Meghan that you are pregnant stop holding that bump its irritating now too much."


Another fan said: "She"s so warm and attentive all the time, its obvious she"d be that way with a growing baby inside of her."


Earlier this year Khloe Kardashian, at the time pregnant with her daughter, True, became the subject of online criticism for proudly cradling her growing baby bump.


In February she hit back at trolls on social media in a defiant Twitter post that said: "People are very opinionated about my bump. I choose to cradle my bump because it』s MINE. I』ve waited for this VERY short moment for YEARS. I have only months to enjoy this phase in my life, so I will touch my bump and love my bump as often as I choose. Mommy loves you baby!"


According to Vanity Fair, Meghan is planning a natural home birth, with a source telling the publication: "Doria plans to be around a lot when the baby arrives, and there are plans for her to have a dedicated space at their new home.


"She wants to be on hand to help Meghan and Harry with the baby. Doria will be involved and if she"s involved she will be encouraging Meg to go for a natural birth."


Plenty of royal fans immediately jumped to the Duchess" defence on social media, with one tweeting "flaunt that beautiful baby bump, Meghan!"




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