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Delaware boy, 11, is forced to drop out of school by bullies and change his name because he"s called Joshua…TRUMP


來源:英國《每日郵報》 翻譯:世界播

Joshua Trump"s mother Megan says the bullying began when Donald Trump launched his presidential campaign


The boy from Claymont, Delaware, has always taken his mother"s maiden name


When the bullying reached its worst, his father Robert Berto took him out of school


He was home-schooled for a year then started at a different school this year, still using Trump as his last name


When bullies there started targeting him, the school agreed to change his name in its databases from Trump to Berto


The family has not yet revealed whether they plan to legally change Joshua"s name


Joshua Trump, 11, has no connection to the president other than sharing his name but has been relentlessly bullied at school for it for more than two years


The parents of an 11-year-old boy whose last name is Trump have told how they had to pull him out of school and change his surname because he has been relentlessly bullied for it since the 2016 election.


Joshua Trump from Delaware has always used his mother Megan"s maiden name as his own.


The family has no ties to the president but when he launched his presidential campaign, bullies seized on Joshua at elementary school.


The bullying became so bad that his father, Robert Berto, pulled him out of school and home schooled him for a year.


Joshua"s father Robert Berto is pictured walking him to middle school since he returned recently. He spent a year home-schooling the boy after removing him from elementary school because of the bullying


When Joshua became old enough to go to middle school, the family reentered him into the mainstream system but they say the bullying started again.


Now they have taken the unusual step of having his name changed from Trump to Berto in the school"s database.


It remains unclear if the family will change his name legally or if his younger sister will go by Trump or Berto.


The family did not immediately respond to DailyMail.com"s inquiries on Wednesday.


Megan and Robert are married and she uses her husband"s surname.


Joshua has always taken his mother"s maiden name even though she goes by Berto. She said that the bullying made her son『hate himself』


Speaking to ABC on Tuesday, she recalled some of the taunts he faced.


『They curse at him, they call him an idiot, they call him stupid.』


『He said he hates himself, and he hates his last name, and he feels sad all the time, and he doesn"t want to live feeling like that anymore, and as a parent that"s scary,』his mother Megan said.


Joshua will now go by Berto at school. The family has not revealed if they plan to legally change his name


The principal of Talley Middle School, Mark Mayers, said the school had changed Joshua"s name in its systems and would help him address any other issues in the future.


Five children who were responsible for some of the bullying have been disciplined for it.



英國網友Gladiator:The school should have dealt with the bullies rather than him changing his name.(學校應該對付那些霸凌者,而不是讓他改名。)

美國網友Chad:Liberal parents teaching hate to their kids.(自由派的父母把仇恨教給了他們的孩子。)

美國網友shegotyagood:Make no mistake, the party of tolerance is a giant hypocritical bully party. It starts with parents who teach their kids. These are the haters. Poor kid.(毫無疑問,寬容派是一個巨大的偽善的欺凌黨。從教孩子的父母開始,他們都是懷恨在心的人。可憐的孩子。)

美國網友applejacks:Even kids hate trump and no, they"re not liberals, they"re just kids.(甚至連孩子也討厭特朗普。別介,他們不是什麼自由主義者,他們只是孩子。)

美國網友sadandtired:Honestly, we have some truly stupid people. How does an 11 year old boy deserve to be bullied for his last name? How big of a loser do you have to be to pick on a child?(老實說,我們有些人真的很蠢。一個11歲的男孩怎麼會因為他的姓而受到欺負呢?你是有多大的失敗者才會捉弄一個孩子?)



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