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Chinese rappers diss Lil Pump condemning discrimination

中國說唱歌手譴責Lil Pump歧視

來源 :環球時報 翻譯:世界播

Album cover of 「FXXX Lil Pump」.

「FXXX Lil Pump」.的專輯封面.

Chinese rappers Chengdu Revolution (CD-Rev) on Monday evening criticized US rapper Lil Pump for humiliating China in his unpublished new song "Butterfly Doors", which was posted on Instagram.


"Smoking on dope, they call me Yao Ming cause my eye real low (ching chong)," Lil Pump sang in a video posted on his Instagram account while squinting his eyes, which is broadly viewed as an insulting action imitating the appearance of Asians.


Ching Chong are also seen as humiliating words that makes fun of Chinese people"s pronunciation of English.

Ching Chong也被認為是取笑中國人英語發音的侮辱性辭彙。

Cruz Beckham, the third son of David Beckham, liked the post. His brother Brooklyn Beckham posted in October a couple of photographs on Instagram featuring Asian tourists in Italy and captioned "no place like Italy innit," which brought a flood of criticism on Chinese social media that said it was a racist comment.


The Lil Pump video went viral on Chinese social media as Chinese net users condemn him for racist lyrics.


"It can be a racism issue or a diplomatic problem between China and the US," Weibo user Amleopard commented.


Chengdu Revolution (CD-Rev), a Chinese hip-hop group based in Chengdu, Southwest China"s Sichuan Province, released a track called "FXXX Lil Pump" on band member Pissy"s Weibo account on Monday evening.

位於中國西南部四川省成都的中國嘻哈樂隊「天府事變」(CD-Rev)周一晚上在樂隊成員皮西的微博賬戶上發布了一首名為「FXXX Lil Pump」的歌曲。

"From being discriminated against, to act discrimination again, the fact is you and white racists the same. Respect yourself," read the lyrics.


The video has been viewed nearly 550,000 times within four hours it was posted online.




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