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SHFT.的文化創造者Lacychu & Luce即將為大家呈現么么噠party!

Me Me Da 么么噠, a party from SHFT. curators Lacychu & Luce is nothing but vibes.

派對在你最愛的DADA,且由多種音樂風格組合而成,最Fresh的HipHop和classics,G House以及bass音樂交錯呈現!

The party flavors range from the freshest in Hip Hop, seasoned with the classics, and garnished with everything from Dancehall to G House to the many types of bass music.

這是一個只為Real Fans準備的派對!如果你愛SHFT.,這周六就來找我們一起跳舞吧~

A dance party for the real ones!



他是影響者,潮流人士,派對締造者,創意營銷專家,形容LUCE的詞還遠遠不止這些。2011年,他來到上海,開始征服地下音樂產業,他的出現造成了一次次震蕩級夜現場,他將世界頂級製作人,DJ,說唱歌手帶到滬上,從此建立起自己的廠牌-SHFT. 。被City Weekend雜誌譽為滬上最有影響力的前10人,他的故事被1626,SoCool這樣的中國頂尖潮流雜誌報道過。同時,他也曾與DJ Snake,Grandtheft,Troyboi, OT Genasis (CoCo), A$AP Nast, OG Maco, UZ等世界知名製作人/DJ合作,參與其中國巡演。即使是Skrillex也曾在2015年的風暴電音節結束後,特地趕赴LUCE的派對現場。

作為DJ,LUCE的音樂總是有源源不斷的前沿HipHop,Trap, EDM,Electro House和 Deep House 猛料,點燃任何一個舞池。以及他的超強MC技能,每次都可以將派對燃到沸騰!

Influencer, fashion icon, sound curator, marketingpowerhouse, are but a few terms that describe LUCE.Since arriving in Shanghai in 2011 he has conquered the music industry, organising parties and festivals through out the country featuring the world』s top producers, DJs, and rappers under his label - SHFT. He has been named one of the top 10 influential people in Shanghai by City Weekend Magazine, his story has been published by the likes of 1626, and SoCool magazine. He has performed alongside and toured through China names such as DJ Snake, Grandtheft, Troyboi, OT Genasis (CoCo), A$AP Nast, OG Maco, UZ, and more. Even Skrillex showed love to Luce with a surprise performance at his party after headlining STORM 2016.

LUCE』s DJ sets are filled with the newest HipHop and trap club bangers, EDM, Electro House and Deep House, lighting up any dance floor. Luce』s hype MC skills take crowds to the next level!


Lacychu是一位來自牙買加現居住在上海的音樂人,她是音樂組織SHFT的最初成員之一,周六將由她帶領大家聽更多好音樂!她的風格多變,你可以享受到Hip Hop、Dancehall 、 Future House、Chill Trap 、以及Tropical House多重音樂元素。

她曾與眾多品牌合作,如Nike、Adidas…並為多位國際知名DJ做過開場演出,如Troyboi、Four Color Zack 、 Grandtheft 、Djemba Djemba 、Stooki Sound 、 Skratch Bastid 、Kyu Steed 、 LOUDPVCK 和Hoodboi。她形容自己的音樂是屬於「Feel Good Music」,會讓你一進入這個節奏便能盡情釋放。

Lacychu, coming from Jamaica to Shanghai, was raised in an artistic family. She is one of the original members of the SHFT. 1LVSH Crew and has played in various hot spots around Shanghai. Her music style is diverse, ranging from Hip Hop, Dancehall, Future House, Chill Trap, Tropical House, among others and always leaves you feeling good.

She has played for brands such as Nike and Adidas and has shared stages with international acts such as Troyboi, Four Color Zack, Grandtheft, Djemba Djemba, Stooki Sound, Skratch Bastid, Kyu Steed, LOUDPVCK and Hoodboi. She personally describes what she plays as "Feel Good Music" and will vibe, jump and party with the crowd every time.




日期:2018年12月29號 周六

DATE :Saturday December 29th, 2018

地址:DADA 上海 幸福路115號,近法華鎮路

ADDRESS :DADA SHANGHAI,115 Xingfu Road, near Fahuazhen Road






請您繼續閱讀更多來自 SHFT 的精彩文章:

COZYWAY ALL DAY!蹦了這個派對,十二月會將你溫柔對待