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藏之為寶 崇禎元年史可法「披覽詩雅」端硯




規格:長15.3cm 寬:11.3cm



史可法(1601年2月4日—1645年5月20日),字 憲之,號道鄰,漢族,明末抗清名將、 民族英雄, 河南省 開封府 祥符縣人(今開封市雙龍巷)。崇禎元年(1628年)進士,任西安府 推官。後轉平各地叛亂。北京城被攻陷後,史可法擁立福王朱由崧( 弘光帝)為帝,繼續與清軍作戰。官至 督師、 建極殿大學士、 兵部尚書。






此件崇禎元年史可法「披覽詩雅」端硯一方,硯面銘詩取自唐代詩人李白【早發白帝城】:朝辭白帝彩雲間,千里江陵一日還。 此硯石品優秀,有淺白色的魚腦凍,其形就似晴空中飄浮的薄薄的白雲,色澤清晰透徹。硯體中分布微塵青花,花點細小,必須用水弄濕硯體後,透過水層才能看出來。此花色斑紋是端硯青花中的佳品,而分布在魚腦凍中更顯得稀少而珍貴。在圓形硯堂中有一圈呈各種形狀的金星斑點,使莊重穩健的硯體平添幾分活躍的氣質。硯石取自端溪老坑水岩之石。


Introduction to Duan Yan Collection of Shi Kefa " Pilan Poetry Elegance" in the First Year of Chongzhen;

Shi Kefa ( February 4, 1601 - May 20, 1645 ), whose name is Xian Zhi, is adjacent to Hao Dao, Han nationality, anti - Qing star and national hero in the late Ming Dynasty, and a native of Xiangfu County, Kaifeng Prefecture, Henan Province ( now Shuanglong Lane, Kaifeng City ). The first year of chongzhen ( 1628 ) was a Jinshi and was appointed magistrate of Xi "an government. After the turn of the local rebellion. After the fall of Peking City, Shi Kefa held Fu Wang Zhu Yousong ( Hongguang Emperor ) as emperor and continued to fight the Qing army. The official went to the inspector, the university student who built the temple and the minister of war.

Duan Yan was produced in Duanzhou in the early Tang Dynasty ( now Duanzi in the eastern suburb of Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province ). It has a history of more than 1300 years.

In ancient times, it was already very expensive, but also because of the depletion of inkstone materials in several famous pits, inkstone resources became less and less expensive. Among the four treasures of Chinese traditional culture, inkstone is one. Among the four famous inkstones produced in China, Guangdong province is the most famous. Duan inkstone is famous for its solid, smooth, delicate and delicate stone. It is not sluggish to grind ink with Duan inkstone, and it is quick to send ink. The ink developed is thin and smooth, and the writing is smooth and does not damage the hair. The color of the handwriting remains unchanged for a long time. Duan inkstone is excellent. Whether it is hot or cold, it is blue and dark green with its inkstone heart pressed by hand, and the water and gas do not work for a long time. Therefore, the ancients said that it is " to grind ink with the same breath".

Zhang Jiucheng, a famous poet in Song Dynasty, once wrote a poem praising, " guyan in Duan Xi has a strange world, and purple flowers emit rainbow at midnight."

Duan Yan has a long history, fine stone and exquisite carving. Duan inkstone, She inkstone and Tao inkstone have been known as " three famous stone inkstones". The manufacture of Guangdong inkstone usually requires quarrying. There are four processes of material selection, carving and box matching.

Duanshan Stone is produced in the area of Huangke Mountain in the east of Zhaoqing City in Guangdong Province and Beiling Mountain in the north of Qixingyan in Zhaoqing City ( from Xiaoxiang Gorge in the west to Dinghu Mountain in the east ), especially in Laokeng, Pockmarked Pit and Kenziyan.

Recently, Xiamen Bode Richly collected a piece of Duan Yan from Shi Kefa of the first year of chongzhen, which is 15.3cm in length and 11.3cm in width. The inscription on the inkstone surface was taken from the Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai"s " Early White Emperor City": The Emperor resigned from the White Emperor"s Caiyun and returned thousands of miles to Jiangling on a single day. This inkstone is excellent in quality and has a light white fish brain jelly. Its shape is like a thin white cloud floating in a clear sky, and its color is clear and clear. Blue - and - white dust is distributed in the inkstone body, with tiny flowers. The inkstone body must be wetted with water before it can be seen through the water layer. This color stripe is a good item in the blue-and-white porcelain of Duan Yan, but it is even rarer and more precious in the fish brain jelly. In the circular inkstone hall, there is a circle of Venus spots in various shapes, which makes the solemn and steady inkstone body more active. The inkstone is taken from the water rock in the old pit of Duanxi.

Since ancient times, Duan Yan, as the world"s first inkstone, has always been favored by scholars and royal nobles. " The ancient book writers will use Duan Xi Yan and Duan Xi Wen Run Shi, which weigh hundreds of cars and canals. A drop of water without a pool will lead to thousands of books, and " it won"t be easy to get and hide it as treasure. After my calligraphy, my descendants will keep it forever." ...... Through these inscriptions inscribed by famous ancient calligraphers on Duan Xi"s famous inkstone, we can easily realize the collection value of Duan Yan, a national treasure. In recent years, with the high prices of Duan Yan in many international auctions, the high-quality ink stone has caused a collection boom.




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