首頁 > 文史 > 象徵地位的禮器—螭鳳紋「長樂」銘文玉璧





尺寸:高:19.5cm 寬:15.8cm 厚:0.5cm 重:320g




Yuxi is one of the most common and long-lasting instruments in ancient Chinese jade. Its existence almost throughout the history of ancient jade production. In the long years of nearly seven thousand years, Yuxi witnessed the evolution of social politics, economy and culture in ancient China. As early as in the Neolithic period of the Neolithic Age more than 6,000 years ago, there were a large number of finely-produced jade discoveries, which were later developed in Yin Shang and two weeks until political unification, economic development, and jade culture prosperity. The two Hans reached their peak.

Jade is blue and white, with brown freckles and translucent. The carcass is divided into two zones, the inner zone is decorated with nipples, and the outer zone is hollowed out and phoenix, and extends beyond the carcass. This kind of jade design that extends the pattern to the outside is called 「out of the jade」. The upper axis of the outer zone is up and down, and the word "changle" is removed. Ingenious design, exquisite workmanship, free and easy work, is a rare boutique. There is a long music festival in the National Palace Museum in Taipei, which has been regarded as the treasure of the town hall. It can be seen that this jade has a very high collection and economic value!




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