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論文標題:Simple prebiotic synthesis of high diversity dynamic combinatorial polyester libraries

作者:Kuhan Chandru, Nicholas Guttenberg, Chaitanya Giri, Yayoi Hongo, Christopher Butch, Irena Mamajanov, H. James Cleaves II

數字識別碼: 10.1038/s42004-018-0031-1

最近Communications Chemistry發表的一項研究Simple prebiotic synthesis of high diversity dynamic combinatorial polyester libraries表明高多樣性動態組合庫,在許多原始行星以及前星體的環境上,可由含有豐富的前生物α-羥基酸的混合物自發形成。


來自日本東京理工學院地球生命科學研究所的H. James Cleaves及其研究團隊證明了α-羥基酸,很可能是豐富的前生物單體,可以進行寡聚生成大量的、可能完整的序列庫,並且這些庫在相當長的一段時間內都是穩定存在的。這可以發生在各種反應條件下(溫度、濃度、鹽度和同系物存在),與早期地球和其他太陽系的地球化學環境相適應。這些化合物所能實現的高序列異質性可能對支撐生命起源有重要作用。



摘要:It is widely believed that the origin of life depended on environmentally driven complexification of abiotically produced organic compounds. Polymerization is one type of such complexification, and it may be important that many diverse polymer sequences be produced for the sake of selection. Not all compound classes are easily polymerized under the environmental conditions present on primitive planets, and it is possible that life』s origin was aided by other monomers besides those used in contemporary biochemistry. Here we show that alpha-hydroxy acids, which are plausibly abundant prebiotic monomers, can be oligomerized to generate vast, likely sequence-complete libraries, which are also stable for significant amounts of time. This occurs over a variety of reaction conditions (temperature, concentration, salinity, and presence of congeners) compatible with geochemical settings on the primitive Earth and other solar system environments. The high-sequence heterogeneity achievable with these compounds may be useful for scaffolding the origin of life.


期刊介紹:Communications Chemistry (https://www.nature.com/commschem/) is an open access journal from Nature Research publishing high-quality research, reviews and commentary in all areas of the chemical sciences. Research papers published by the journal represent significant advances bringing new chemical insight to a specialized area of research.

(來源:Communications Chemistry)



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