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至臻佳品 光輝歲月 光緒元寶 錢幣一組



光緒元寶 錢幣一組

規格:統一直徑3.8cm 統一重量:27g


光緒元寶是清朝光緒年間流通的貨幣之一。由兩廣總督張之洞率先引進英國鑄幣機器鑄造銀元和銅元,之後各省紛紛仿效,共有十九個省局鑄造。光緒年間鑄造了一系列錢幣,但江南省造光緒元寶由於不便於流通使用,故鑄額極其稀 少,更顯珍貴。



2、此枚藏品錢幣正面中珠圈內鐫滿漢文「光緒元寶」四字,圈外上端鐫「廣西省造」,下端鐫幣重「每枚當制錢百文」。錢幣背面中鐫一個飛龍,上端鐫英文,左右兩側分別鐫一個六花星,整體工藝精湛,雕工完 美,浮雕感強烈的品種,紋飾的相慣線,顯得非常清晰,值得珍藏。

3、此枚四川省造光緒元寶錢面:中央一花星外鑄「光緒元寶」及珠圈,上緣鑄「四川省造」,下緣鑄「當三十」,左右兩側鑄滿文「寶源」;錢背:中間為龍圖(俗稱「水龍」),上緣鑄英文紀地「四川」,下緣鑄紀值文字,分別為阿拉伯數字「3 0」及英文貨幣單位「文」,左右兩側各鑄一花星,俗稱「十字星」。銅幣所有字面、圖案表面均依勢圓潤凸起、錯落有致,有立體雕塑之感。文字間架結構大氣磅礴,猶如墨跡正在飽滿之時,令文人嘆為觀止!祥雲蟠龍前後有別,形似騰躍之際,使觀者立感龍威無邊!滿文書法根基牢固、運筆自如、渾厚有力,深受中文行書書法精髓導引,頗具皇 家風範。

Guangxu Yuanbao was one of the currencies circulated in Guangxu during the Qing Dynasty. Zhang Zhidong, governor of Guangzhou and Guangdong provinces, first introduced the British coin machine to cast silver and copper yuan. After that, the provinces followed suit, with 19 provincial bureaus casting. During the Guangxu period, a series of coins were minted, but because of the inconvenience of circulation and use, the amount of minted coins in Jiangnan Province was extremely rare and precious.

Jiangnan province was set up in the Qing Dynasty two years (1645), the provincial capital is located in Jiangning (today"s Nanjing). The predecessor of Jiangnan Province in Qing Dynasty was Nanzhili Jiangnan Province in Ming Dynasty, which is roughly equivalent to Jiangsu, Shanghai and Anhui provinces today. In the six year (1667), the Qing Dynasty withdrew from Jiangnan province and divided into two provinces of Jiangsu and Anhui. Nanjing Mint marked its silver coins as "Made in Jiangnan Province", because at that time there was already a coin factory in Suzhou which had a special machine for making copper yuan, and all the copper coins were marked "Made in Jiangsu Province". In order to avoid confusion, the Nanjing Mint marked its silver coin as "Jiangnan province". It is a nominal Province in the history of money in China.

On the front of the coin, the four characters of "Guangxu Yuanbao" in Chinese are engraved in the middle Pearl circle. On the outside, the upper part of the coin is engraved with "Made in Jiangnan Province", while the lower part is heavily engraved with "Every coin should be made into 100 pieces". On the back of the coin is a flying dragon and on the top is the English "Jiangnan Province", with a six-flower star on the left and right sides respectively. Good quality, clear package pulp, although experienced the baptism of ruthless years, but still relatively well preserved, collection value and appreciation space are worth looking forward to.

The front of the coin in this collection is inscribed with Chinese characters " Guangxu Yuanbao" in the bead circle, with " Made in Guangxi Province" on the top outside the circle, and " Every coin should be made into 100 characters" on the bottom. On the back of the coin is engraved a dragon, on the top of which is inscribed in English, and on the left and right sides is inscribed a star with six flowers. The overall workmanship is exquisite, the carver is perfect, the relief feeling is strong, and the lines of the decorations are very clear and worthy of collection.

This coin was made in Sichuan Province with the name " Guangxu Yuanbao" and beads cast outside a flower star in the center, " Made in Sichuan Province" on the upper edge, " Dang 30" on the lower edge and " Bao Yuan" in Manchu on the left and right sides. Qian Bei: dragon figure ( commonly known as " dragon" in the middle ), English age " Sichuan" on the upper edge, Arabic numeral " 30" and English currency unit " Wen" on the lower edge, and a flower star on the left and right sides, commonly known as " cross star". All the literal and patterned surfaces of copper coins are round and convex, strewn at random and have the feeling of three-dimensional sculpture. The structure of the character frame is majestic, like when the ink is full, which makes the literati marvel! The auspicious clouds and dragons are different from each other before and after. When they look like leaps and bounds, they make the viewer feel like a dragon without limits. The Manchu calligraphy has a solid foundation, is easy to handle and powerful, is deeply guided by the essence of Chinese calligraphy, and has a royal style.




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